48: Parallel

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*****Chapter edited by jemi018

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Chapter edited by jemi018


They were terrified.

As the days went by, with all of them bidding Jun and Chu-Hei goodbyes as they boarded the train, they were terrified.

As the silence of the train raised and persisted, they were terrified.

Even as break ended and began the new term for college, they were terrified.

The days passed by, and they all attempted to spend it with Sera, but they were terrified.

Fear was now a constant for them, as they held on so desperately for Sera.

From the random hugs that would last for minutes, or to them spending the night at Sera's place; all they could feel is the constant ache in their hearts and this acid feeling to their Marks.

It was driving them mad.

It seemed like their days were numbered.

Like their days were numbered with Sera.

Slowly, so slowly that they noticed it too late, Sera was slipping out of their grasp, and they began to panic. Even if Sera never pushed them away, she never took the step forward to them. As she agreed to hang out with them or come to their apartment, she stayed distant. A look of discontent would slip onto her face without her realizing as she no longer forced a smile for them.

It hurt like hell.


"Spicy ramen really is the best," Kimie sighed, leaning back into her chair after inhaling a bowl of ramen. Filled with content momentarily, she looked over to Sera who was in a similar mood, "Finals week just needs to kiss my ass and leave me alone."

Chuckling at Kimie's statement, she glanced at her phone which buzzed another time, but she chose to ignore it. Instead, she leaned slightly to stretch her back, "The school should compensate us for back problems. Let's invest in some of those desks that go, like, up and down or some shit."

"You mean a standing desk, dummy?"

"Yeah, that one!"

"That shit's expensive, we only got enough money to buy spicy ramen at this point," Kimie wasn't going to bring up that the reason for it was because they wanted to buy makeup, and they might also have over splurged when a new chicken restaurant opened up near campus. It was a moment of shame and of self control being nonexistent during that week.

Sera's phone buzzed again as she felt a slight tick appear, but she continued to ignore it.

Kimie, noticing Sera's hateful look on her phone, decided to stand up suddenly, catching the girl's attention away from the phone, "You got your chemistry final and then your calculus final, right? Good luck to you my sister, I pray you don't die the next few days."

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