29: Safe Travels

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If you read my authors note at the beginning of last chapter, then you would already know that I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement. I don't want to make a single post about it and call it a day, and move on as if everything's fine. I can't do that, because this has been an on going battle for so long now for many African Americans and other people of color in America, that just speaking about it once isn't enough, staying silent it inviting the violence, and being complacent is accepting the violence and unjust treatments of African Americans.

While my platform may be small, I'll continue to speak up about this. All the protesting begin for the justice of George Floyd, but it is also for justice for all the African Americans who have lost their lives to the police. Until there is true changes that occur, and true justice is instated, I can't stay silent or complacent just because of the simple possibility that I may be scared or I never experienced things like that.

As humans, we all have rights that no government or establishment can just take away from us. As humans we all have the responsibility for also protect these universal rights.

While all I can do it talk about this movement to spread awareness, I will continue to spread awareness of this movement whole heartedly.

There is an organization that supports the All Black Lives Matter Movement called NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. they have a website, and Wattpad won't actually let me link it, but I hope you can take a few moments out of your day to visit their website. They have a lot of information about the movement and talks about ways you can support the movement!


"When are you going to stop filling Sera's head with nonsense?" A curt voice spoke through the thickening tension that settled between the two figures. Critical and sharp, tone able to cut through anything to make the other one bleed, dark brown eyes narrowing into a steely gaze as it clashed with warmer, amber like brown, "All she keeps talking about is soulmates, and can't even keep up with her studies because she's constantly day dreaming about that soulmate nonsense."

It was always hard to sit down with his older sister and talk is what Ji-Ho found out at an early and young stage in his life. Despite being related by blood, they could hardly call each other family, "We haven't talked in months, and the moment you come back from America this is the conversation you want Chu-Hei Noona?" The way her gaze stared coldly back at him made him question if they were even family in the first place.

The gazes between his two sisters, were always so different.

Dark, unsettling brown eyes that always looked like it was trying to find your weakness, the very thing that can make you crumble. It was so different to Sera's amber eyes, that shine through with innocence, that will always try to find the best in people despite all the ashes that covered them.

They were so overwhelmingly different.

Crossing her arms, Chu-Hei leaned back in her chair, the cup of coffee in front of her remained untouched and cold, "That's the reason why I'm here in the first place. Sera's already innately smart that she can accomplish so much in her life time and it's all being waisted because you keep spouting nonsense about soulmates, ridiculous tales of romance."

"There's nothing wrong with soulmates, and don't push your expectations on her!" He couldn't help raise his voice at his older sister, couldn't control the inferior feeling he felt in front of those eyes. Whenever Chu-Hei was around, Ji-Ho always felt so ridiculously small, "Sera wants to meet her own soulmates and fall in love, what's so wrong about that!"

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