21: Beautiful Compassion

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To say I was excited was an under statement as I nearly was jumping around in my hospital room, gathering all my stuff into a duffle bag.

Today was the day I get discharged and away from this horrible and boring place.

"Yah!" A loud voice interrupted my little happy hop to the small table to gather the stuff there. When I turned to see who it was, a bright smile overcame me as I saw both Jin standing at the door way, both hands on his hips as he looked at me sternly, Taehyung begins him was peaking over his shoulders, "You're still injured and you're jumping all over the place!"

I ended up sending a quick text yesterday after Lilia left that I was being discharged tomorrow, Taehyung and Jin were the only ones free and offered to help me out. Considering my arm was still broken and all, and I couldn't exactly drive. Well I could. Just not legally.

Along with that, Baekhyun still wasn't answering my call, and I was determined to hunt him down, even with a broken arm.

"I just want to get out of this boring place," I stated, half hazardously dumping the contents on the table into bag bad. I made sure to not accidentally knock down the white tulips that Namjoon got me, it was neatly placed in a vase.

Both the boys bounded in, a little taken back by Sera's sudden burst of energy. The days they visited her she usually was lacking in it, occasionally up for a conversation before dozing off without knowing it.

"Go sit down," Jin fussed as he entered the room, grabbing the bag out my hands as he gently pushed me towards the bed. He seemed annoyed, but judging by the small smile on his lips, I guess he wasn't. Immediately he began to remove the stuff already in the bag to reorganize them so everything could fit, "You're just like Taehyung when it comes to packing!" He whined slightly, but flashed me a quick smile before resuming my packing,

Before I could reply, Taehyung already got my attention as he bounded over to me, my eyes going to the plastic bag he was holding.

Catching where my gaze was, a boxy smile edged its way onto his lips as he set the bag down on the table, "Jin-hyung made food to eat while we wait for you to be discharged."

Pushing the table in front of Sera, Taehyung then took it upon himself to sit next to Sera. Close enough where their sides were pushed together, total disregard for personal space, and to say either minded it would be a lie.

"You should eat a lot," Taehyung hummed, already beginning to prepare the food so all three of them could eat.

The gray haired boy seems more radiant than before, there was a glow to him that anyone could see and it only intensified his beauty. To put it simple, Kim Taehyung was happy, the happiest he's been in weeks as he sat next to Sera, to know she was accepting him, all of them. While love was still far away, Taehyung was already falling hard.

When all the boys talked to Lilia, it was easier and more calm then the boys expected. All Lilia did was nod, accepting that their relationship is now over completely, she even apologized for all the pain she put all of them through, before calmly gathering all of her stuff and leaving the apartment.

Namjoon of course was worried about her, because he wondered if Lilia was truly okay. While their relationship has ended, none of the boys wanted Lilia to suffer or to get hurt, so he offered to drive her back to her apartment.

Of course Lilia disagreed.

"Eat a lot okay? Hospital food is probably disgusting," Taehyung hummed out, picking up some of the chicken Jin cooked with a pair of chopsticks and held it to Sera, with such an innocent smile. If only his beautiful stormy eyes held the amount of innocence as his smile, instead of a glint of mischievousness.

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