43: Being Enough

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"Why were you even out! I told you to stay home!"


"Oh god, oh god. Jun tell me this is a joke! Tell me this is a joke! This is just some stupid twisted joke that Sera's doing."

"Honey stop."

"If only you just listened to me Sera! Was a party more important to you than your brother's life? Tell me Sera! Is going to that party so much that you'd die to go to it!'

"That's enough mom, it's not her fault."

"It is her fault! If she just behaved and stayed home Ji-Ho would have never gone out! He was never supposed to go out at night to look for Sera, because she was supposed to be in her room!"

"Sera's not the one who killed him, mom, it was a car accident. Ji-Ho was trying to protect Sera."

"He wouldn't need to protect anyone if Sera just behaved! What were you even doing standing in the middle of the road huh? Are you stupid? Are you blind that you didn't even see the damn car! Huh! Did I raise a stupid girl? Because of you, your brother is dead!"

"That's enough! It's not Sera's fault! How can you blame your own daughter for god sakes Baram, do you hear what you're saying! A drunk driver hit Ji-Ho, not Sera! You're traumatizing your own damn daughter more as it is! Ji-Ho's not your only child, Sera's your child as well! We just lost a child, so why are you screaming at Sera! If you can't calm down then get out!"

Sera would have been shocked by her fathers calm and gentle persona vanished as he all but yelled at her mother. Yet, she felt nothing, swollen eyes staring at particularly nothing as she stared at the coffee table in their living room, slowly allowing her mothers words burn into her mind.

This is her fault.

There was a sudden loud noise of the front door opening, before being slammed closed and Sera could only conclude her mother did leave.

Her own mother really does blame her for Ji-Ho's death.

Her own mother really did leave her.

Chu-Hei left as well, following her mother, making sure she didn't do anything stupid, leaving Sera and Jun alone.

Crouching down to the quiet girl, Jun gently grasped his daughters shoulders, trying to get some sort of reaction from the silent teen, but getting none. Her eyes remained emotionless and unmoving, and if it weren't for the sound of her breathing, Jun would have thought she was dead. It tore at his heart and made it feel as if it were submerged in acid, as he pulled Sera into a hug, trying to shield her from the world.

To shield her from her own mothers words.

"It's not your fault Sera," Jun spoke, muffled slightly as he held back the tears, "It's not your fault at all. Don't listen to your mom, she's not in her right mind, she's wrong about everything. It's not your fault as all."

It's already too late, because Sera was already blocking and denying his words of reassurance, her soul slowly being submerged into water as she lifelessly stayed in her fathers grasp, no words coming from her mouth, amber eyes seemingly dead.

Everything is too late.


"Please make yourself at home," Baram spoke politely, gesturing for the boys to sit themselves on the dining room table. Of course they didn't know that the table was just recently brought before their arrival. The previous one they had only seated six, far too small for now for the new addition in their family.

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