9 : Conflicts

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[Edited by jemi018]

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Something in Sera just gave up, maybe it was her soul taking over, because she knew consciously that she would have slapped Yoongi, told him to fuck off, and leave.

However, with all these emotions battling each other that wasn't hers, the aching of her marks, the massive headache she felt constantly, and all the physical and emotional pain she's been enduring, she just gave up. Even in her mind, she told herself she was going to regret this, but at this moment, she just needed someone to be on her side, to be with her.

And Min Yoongi was offering it to be him.

Her soulmate.

The ones she was destined to be with and was supposed to complete her soul.

So maybe that was why, without even fully thinking, she offered her left arm that was bandaged up, covering the very thing she has been hiding for nearly four years. Sera was so tired of hiding, so exhausted and drained.

With such careful and gentle hands, one handheld up Sera's hand and the other one began to undo the bandages. The whole time he kept his eyes trained on Sera's face, to watch her expression, to see if she could at least show some form of emotions. To him, he just wanted to know that there was still hope for fixing whatever damage that had been done, but even if there weren't, he would still stay by her side.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi muttered, voice shaky, hands beginning to tremble as he began to see the first hint of dull dark gray marks. Without even realizing it, tears began to drip down from his eyes, clogging his visions, "I-I should have known. I should have waited..."

"I was the one who took the gap year," Sera finally spoke, voice weak and shy of a whisper, "I kept everything a secret."

Once Yoongi had fully unwrapped her arm, he stared at the all too familiar marks, but it looked so different on her skin. It was more delicate, the lines looking more shy and unsure, they intertwined in such a beautiful dance in his eyes. His heart was beating steadily, hands carefully and affectionately tracing the lines, feeling complete for once in his life. No longer did he feel like there was something missing from him, as he finally found the last piece of the puzzle to his soul, and he would do anything to protect that last piece and all the others.

Sera felt it too, for once she didn't feel empty or lonely, the marks on her arm stopped hurting, migraines disappearing, and her emotions seemingly now at peace. Glancing up from her marks, she gazed at Yoongi, who continued to look at them, with such softness and love in his eyes. It was suffocating, because this time, as his gray eyes flickered to meet her own, his look of affection was directed towards her.

However, something snapped back in place, pushing her consciousness back up into the surface. Pulling her arm out of Yoongi's grasp, instantly feeling cold, she ignored it and broke her gaze with him. Heart pounding in such an aching way.

"I can't do this," she breathed out, trying to remind herself how to breathe. It was getting so hard to breathe now.

Yoongi felt her pain, and without thinking, he embraced her into a hug, wrapping his body over hers, trying to shield her from the world and the pain, "Yes you can Sera. You're not alone, I'm here with you."

"What about Lilia?"

"I broke up with her already. It's just you Sera, you and the others. It's just my soulmates now." He breathed in her sweet scent, snuggling his face into the crook of her neck. Rubbing soothing circles on her back, trying to encourage her to return his hug, to just accept him and the bond they formed together, "You're my sweet soulmate."

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