33: Fate

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"I'm so sorry Kimie, things came up and I'm gonna spend the night as my sisters house. Are you okay? Did you manage to sneak into that photography class at the college?"

The first thing Kimie noticed was just how tired Sera sounded, "I got caught half way through, but they let my stay. Are you okay? Did something happen at your doctors appointment?" She fidgeted slightly at the couch in the living room, reaching for a hair tie on the coffee table as the tv became nothing but background noises.

There was a noticeable pause before Sera answered, "I'll tell you in person, it's just a lot and I don't want to ruin the vacation. Are you at the house? If you want Chu-Hei Unnie can come pick you up."

Tying her dark brown hair into a messy bun, Kimie crosses her legs before reaching out for her cup of water. California heat, Kimie quickly realized, was not something to mess around with, "Nah it's fine, I'm tired too. Who knew jet lag was gonna be this bad." Before Kimie went and snuck into that college class, she spent most of the time sleeping, and not getting the chance to catch a glimpse of the hot Australian host, "Tell Unnie I said hi and get a lot of rest. I wanna explore the beaches with you tomorrow."

"Haha yeah, don't jump the hot Aussie guy if you seek him okay?"

"Fuck, you really can read my mind Sera! Don't worry, I'll only jump him only when we're both drunk."

They both exchanged their goodbyes, their call quick but brightened Kimies mood.

While they both agreed to go on this vacation together, Kimie knew it wasn't just going to be fun and games for Sera. That she was going to the doctors to discuss her bond and possibly expect the worst. Kimie had wanted to go with Sera, but the latter insisted she wanted to go alone, and that Kimie should enjoy herself and not be held down by her.

Of course Kimie wanted to argue that she wanted to be with Sera, but the amber eyes girl already seemed so tired and nervous, that Kimie didn't have the heart to argue so much with her.

It was also the reassurance that after her doctors appointment Sera was meeting up with her sister that Kimie agreed allowing her to go by herself.


Startled, Kimie nearly dropped her phone, heart beating as she momentarily forgot that she was currently staying at a hot Australians guys house.

Shifting her body to look behind her, Christopher stood there with a teasing smile on his face, blond face seemed disheveled, slightly damp indicating he probably just got back from the beach. Sun kissed skin seemed to glow against the black clothing he wore, which Kimie realized a lot of Californians  had, and she couldn't help but find it breath taking, and her fingers itched to explore the skin that hid behind clothing, wondering just how his body looked, and what it would be like to paint all over it.

Now Kimie wasn't a shy person, it was opposite.

She was confident in her appearance, but more so in her personality, and her ability to just be a good person. It was something she prided herself in, along with her art works. Many would say she had a flirty personality, but Kimie didn't see gender or skin color, all she saw were people, and all she cared about if they were a good person as well.

Kimie's outgoing personality was slightly unique in a more conservative society that is South Korea.

"Did you just come back from the beach?" Kimie already knew,  but starting conversation wouldn't hurt.

Nodding, Christopher raised one of his hands and ran it through his blond hair, and Kimie unconsciously looked at his upper arm and liked the way it flexed from that action, "Yeah, me and the boys were out surfing, the waves were real nice," his voice smooth, the Australian accent seeping through his Korean, and Kimie wished she learned more English so they could have conversed in it.

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