6 : Drunk Memories

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He gazed at the intricate black lines that laid permanently on his arms. It was so unique that it only belonged on eight peoples arm.

The pounding in his head was left ignored as he recalled the drunken night, remembering in a haze of what had transpired. He spent all night and quite frankly, a good portion of the morning, with Baekhyun and Sera. All three were so drunk they were pass being drunk.

While everything was a haze to him, he could recall one thing clearly, having Sera in his arms and feeling like his soul was finally complete. In that very moment, he no longer felt that emptiness within him that was caused due to a missing soulmate, and he desperately wanted that feeling back. To have Sera back in his arms as he turned his back to a ranting Lilia, as he turned on his side on the bed.

Ever since he woke up, Lilia has been hounding him, wanting to know every little thing that transpired last night.

However, Taehyung wouldn't tell her.

Last night was such a sacred moment that he didn't want to share with someone who wasn't his soulmate. Because while he didn't bond with her yet because he didn't see her own soul marks, he knew Sera was that missing puzzle in his life. Now all he needed to do was get rid of an extra piece that didn't fit.

A piece who was currently making his hungover state worst.

"Why the hell are you being like Sera and not telling me anything?" Lilia all but screamed at him.

Jin and Jungkook were also in the room, beginning to grow irritated at the way Lilia was screaming at the hungover man. She was screaming at their soulmate.

As much as they love Lilia and cherish her as their girlfriend, Taehyung would always be priority over her.

So when Taehyung let out a pitiful whine and curled himself into a ball, clutching the arm where his soul mark laid, to his chest, it caused them to grow even more irritated. Their own marks beginning to ache slightly, emphasizing Taehyung's discomfort and agitation.

Before either of the two men can make Lilia stop, the door to the room burst open, revealing a very pissed off Yoongi.

This startled Lilia, as she ceased her yelling and turned to face the angry man. Before she could utter a word, he beat her to it.

"Why the hell are you fucking screaming at him?" His voice remained leveled, not raising it, but his anger was clear and evident. Yoongi, while also loved Lilia, always made it clear to her that he always placed his soulmates first. So screaming at one of his did not sit well, as he was already having a stressful morning, "He's already hungover, and he doesn't need you yelling at him. He also doesn't need to tell you jack shit if he doesn't want to."

Not allowing things to escalate, Hoseok, who was standing out in the hallway finally made an appearance.

With a nervous smile, and a slight warning look towards Lilia who opened her mouth to retaliate, who quickly shut it again. Walking towards Lilia, he grabbed her hands and dragged her out of the room. Not before placing a gentle and comforting kiss on Yoongi's cheeks, to try to calm his anger down.

"Taetae," Jin finally spoke, glad that Lilia was gone and gently sat at the edge of the bed. He placed a gentle hand on the arm that Taehyung's marks were on, his thumb rubbing his wrist in a soothing manner, "What's wrong?"

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