37: Sisters

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"I should apologize," Chu-Hei spoke awkwardly, seated in a salon chair, with her hair tied up into a neat bun, with some sort of facemask on her face. Currently, two workers were seated by her feet, where they worked on their leg massage and a pedicure. For anyone else, this would have been a relaxing experience, but for both of the Han sisters, it was rather awkward. Da-Bin and Kimie though, seated in front of them in the same positions, seemed to be having a joyous time talking about beauty and fashion, "You must be tired and have wanted to rest in a more private place."

Chuckling, it took for everything for Sera to not accidentally kick the workers who worked on massaging her feet due to the ticklish feeling she was experiencing, "I really am fine Unnie," it was the truth. While there still many things to still talk about, something within Sera just knew that she wouldn't be left alone feeling cold again, "Though these types of things aren't really my things." Sera was someone who would rather do to her own nails, and massage her own legs then have someone do it for her.

The workers exchanged glances at each other, all sensing the awkwardness between them, attempting to understand the words that spilled out of their mouth, and inwardly cursing that the two girls were speaking Korean instead of English.

How were they supposed to eavesdrop on the girl's conversation when they didn't even understand the language they were speaking in.

"Da-Bin unnie is rather....forwards and confident," sighing, Chu-Hei attempted to relax into the massage, but couldn't quite do it. Maybe it was the build-up of tension throughout the years of never really taking breaks, or the uneasiness with finally having the opportunity to converse with her sister. Though she wished they could have done it in a more private setting, even if the workers spoke Vietnamese instead of Korean, "Do you want to talk about your doctor's visit," god she wanted to punch herself for how awkward she sounded. Robotic and unemotional.

Sera didn't reply right away, taking the time to form words, to tell Chu-Hei everything without getting her upset or confused. So many things have occurred in her life, things that all began four years ago when she entered college. No. It even started way before that: The moment Ji-Ho and Lilia bonded.

It was a story that Sera couldn't quite tell as it was still ongoing and unfinished, several key aspects yet unwritten. So many things that were unknown and left a mystery that it was difficult to fill in the gaps with only her telling it.

"It's a long story."

"Well this session is two hours long, I think we have a little bit of time."

Nodding, Sera began to slowly lay out the story, thoughts turning into words as she explained all the events that happened in her life, beginning from how Lilia and she began to distance themselves after the death of Ji-Ho. How Sera felt responsible for everything, that when she met her soulmates, instead of embracing them with a bright smile like she always dreamed of, she nearly crumbled down when she saw Lilia in their arms, and Sera ran away and began to keep her marks hidden.

The countless doctors visit, the acid burn pain she always endured, and the mental torment she subjugated herself to.

There was a time Sera had to stop when she noticed Chu-Hei visibly shaking, fist clenched, and workers looking uneasy at the furious older sister. Yet all Sera did was flash Chu-Hei a reassuring smile that spoke volumes for the women to calm down before Sera began the rest of the story.

Chu-Hei nearly got up in anger when Sera talked about the events of the night at the boy's apartment, how she fell down the stairs and was hospitalized.

To Chu-Hei it was all absurd, even as Sera attempted to defend some of the boy's actions, she couldn't help but find it was all just excuses. It made the disdain for Sera's soulmate big, and she couldn't understand how Sera can just forgive them like that, all the pain they caused before and after they realized Sera was their soulmate. The boys were selfish, indecisive, and immature was Chu-Hei's conclusion, even after she began to talk about the good times they spent together, even after Sera's tone turned into one of happiness, Chu-Hei still couldn't see the boys in a good light, especially that boy named Jungkook.

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