20: Lie so Beautifull

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Chapter edited by jemi018

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Everything is a lie.

The smile she always has is a lie.

The happy go lucky attitude she has is a lie.

The facade she paints on herself is a lie.

The life she lives is a lie.

The relationship she had is a lie.

Even her own happiness is a lie.

The mark on her wrist, forever a dull gray, was a reminder that everything is a lie for her; a constant reminder of what she had lost.

In return, she took everything away from the very person she called a best friend.

What was her excuse?

That Sera killed her soulmate; but that, even she knew, was an unreasonable excuse. The death of Ji-Ho was never his precious little sister's fault, because everyone knew how much Ji-Ho loved his little sister; cared for her so much because she breathed life into him the moment she was born, and even that was an understatement.

Lilia knew that even if Ji-Ho and her were soulmates, to him, Sera comes first. It was a fact that Lilia was content with because Ji-Ho still showered her in love, cared for her, and genuinely loved her. They were soulmates; their heart beats for each other, and Lilia was truly happy. Her days were always filled with bliss with Ji-Ho, her happiness laid with him; he was her universe, her light, her sun, her source of happiness.

So the moment Ji-Ho died, it wasn't wrong to say that Lilia died as well; an empty husk of her was left behind with her soulmate's death. A numbing and empty feeling she constantly felt and wanted to go away.

How do you move on, how do you be happy when you lose your soulmate?


They stopped becoming friends the day Ji-Ho died, both of them knew that much. It was all a facade, an act of friendship; both not separating out obligation and regret.

Lilia never really knew why she stuck around, why she bothered to play the facade as Sera's friend; neither did she understand why Sera did the same. They were close, best friends even, but it changed when Ji-Ho passed away. It came to the point where Sera couldn't even look at Lilia out of sheer grief and regret, while Lilia did the same because she couldn't help but think that Sera took everything from her.

It was hard to hate a person like Sera, who at times could be snarky and hard-headed; she had a pure heart. There were never ill feelings in her, only ill feelings for herself; constantly putting others before her, even if they didn't deserve it. She's the type of person that you can quite literally beat up, and she'll be a little heated about it for a few moments; but in the end, she'll forgive you.

There was always something about Sera that made others drawn to her, something that made everyone flock around her in high school. She was just happy; constantly wanting to just have a peaceful and fun life, and never wanting any drama. Sera was straightforward, always finding lies useless. She knew how to say the truth, but in a way where it didn't come out like she was being a stuck up person.

However, it changed when she killed her big brother; the happiness and smiles she always bore disappeared. Unlike Lilia though, she didn't hide it behind a false facade, she wasn't good at that; it was so easy to tell how broken she was.

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