24: Warm Bread

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Why does she have to keep enduring this pain?

Why can't once, things go her way.

Why, even after opening her hearts, why the hell was her mark once more a dull gray?


"Baekhyun," her voice cracked a little as she stared blankly at the phone, "I-I'm sorry for not coming to visit you yet. I promise I'll do it soon, but I'm going to see my soul therapist again. Make sure you're taking care of yourself though, even Chanyeol came up to me asking me to see you."

Hanging up the phone, Sera instinctively reached for the band-aid wrap that laid on the counter of the bathroom. Hands hesitantly hovering over it, her soulmates happy faces flashing through her mind. Biting her lips, so painful and hard she tasted the metallic taste of blood. Pulling her hands away, she reached for her disregarded jacket, covering up her dulling marks.

When her phone buzzed, her heart jumped slightly, hopping it was Baekhyun.

But it wasn't, it was a a text from Hoseok:
Do you want to meet up for lunch??? Surprise Namjoon and visit his office????

None the less, a small smile appeared on her lips, chuckling slightly at Hoseoks way of texting. It was cute and endearing to her. Momentarily pushing her mind out of the deep hopelessness she keeps finding herself in:
Okay, sure. Let's meet up at the cafe!

Sera hated lying, hated keeping secrets, yet how do you tell your soulmate that your mark was beginning to fade? A sick feeling overwhelmed her, as she covered her mouth in an attempt to not throw up her breakfast. A silent prayer that Kimie wouldn't wake up at this moment, as she tried to get in control of her breathing.

With a wishful thought, she prayed that her soulmates didn't feel what she felt, as she didn't want to burden them. Lately that's all she felt, just a burden.

"Stop being such a looser Sera," she mumbled to herself, gently slapping her cheeks to stop the negative thoughts. All she had to do was to go to the hospital, figure out was wrong and fix it. Only, something in her guts told her it wasn't going to be that simple.


"I feel like I see you more then some of the nurses," my doctor commented in an amused tone as she entered the room I was in. Always the same doctor, the one who I went for soul therapy for nearly four years, who always told me to bond with my soulmates and I always refused. Yet here I am now, bonded, and yet my mark was fading, the only good that was that it didn't burn, not like the acid burn I constantly felt before I bonded to them. Yet it didn't ease my mind, because even without the pain, it was still fading.

What was I doing wrong?

The smile that my doctor had slipped from her face the moment she saw the distraught look on my face, suddenly turning serious, "The nurse already told me the reason for your visit," she grabbed a nearby chair, staring at me with sternness yet with comfort, "but I want you to tell me why you're here."

It was hard to open my mouth, forcing myself to swallow as I clutched at the fabric of my jeans. The cold air hitting my exposed arms, my mark not burning but why did I wish that it would? "It was fine yesterday, I was even with two of my soulmates," I remembered Jungkook and Jimin leaving my apartment late at night, after spending hours of comforting me and watching movies, "I woke up and it was just...dull. I don't know why, why it's still fading."

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