49: Letting Go

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So I can explain...
This chapter was kind of hard for me to right, because I wanted to write the emotions of everyone, but would start crying as I wrote it. To say the least, the last part I was typing away at my keyboard without even seeing what I was writing because I was crying.

Also I've been busy with school, with college decisions slapping me left and right, and leaving me crying at midnight as I read rejection letters. However, I'm all okay now, and the only stressful part now is just graduating high-school and choosing which college to go to.

Also, it didn't help that I started writing three new stories because I have absolutely so self-control.

But here we chapter, chapter 49 uploaded and one more chapter left until Hidden Marks is over.

What an adventure and experience this has all been.

This story has blew past any expectations I've had, and didn't even think it would get a thousand views. So all I can say is, thank you all.

You guys probably just want to start reading the story at this point, but i also have things to say.

The Atlanta shooting in America, is something that the Asian-American community will not forget or forgive. A disgusting person, took the lives of 8 people in Atlanta, and an uprise of Asian hate crimes has made it to where I am fearful to let my own grandparents out by themselves, let alone any of my other family members. While 8 humans lives were taken away mercilessly by a monster. 6 of them being women of Asian descent, and many suspect that it was an act of xenophobia.

While the motivations of the shooter may be different, it also doesn't change that the Asian community in America has been under attack. They are targeting the vulnerable, young children and the elders, because they are too weak and fearful to actually face against the Asians to can and will fight back, so they need to go after the vulnerable. Racism towards Asians has become tolerable in America, and the increase of racism has increased due to the pandemic.

This is a topic that I myself, am unable to express the amount of fear and hatred I feel right now. Especially towards that cop who dared to make an excuse for the shooter, saying he was "having a bad day." When I heard that, I wanted nothing more to scream at America as a whole and cry about how unjust this country is, but also the rest of the world.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families, and I can only hope, it doesn't take Asian-Americans begging, crying and dying for the shooter to get the punishment he deserves.


(Please don't use #asianlivesmatter because it takes away from BLM)


Thank you a lot to @jemi018 for editing the chapter!


"We lost you, haven't we?"

Whenever one of the boys would drive her home, the car ride usually was neither cold nor warm; it was neither tense nor comfortable, but a neutral atmosphere.

The seven of them were too scared to tip over the already delicate balance that they were on.

However, Hoseok already knew that Sera was already out of their grasp, and whatever the boys were trying to hold on to was just an imagination; a delusion.

There was no point in trying to maintain the balance that is their relationship, because they were already falling, and they were about to hit the bottom. The only question is, do they keep deluding themselves, or finally open their eyes to reality? Where they're going to have to accept a reality without Sera too soon, even if they didn't like it.

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