25: The Bestfriend

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Byun Baekhyun knew he needed to get out of  whatever haze he was in, to remove himself from the bar for more then an hour to just shower. Go drag his ass into class, to not waster the four years he has spent in majoring in soul studies and yet he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough to do that, to face the multiple possibility to seeing Sera again. Somewhere in his mind, he knew Sera were working it out with her soulmates, because Jun always has a way to get through to people.

Something in him felt shame, as he should be happy for his best friend to finally be happy, yet all he was filled with was a bitter feeling. A feeling of bitter jealousy as he secluded himself in the bar, unable to see her bright smile, and sparkling amber eyes directed to her soulmates.

"Did I ever tell you I fucking hate soulmates?" A man, probably another college student spoke, breaking Baekhyun from his thoughts. He was nothing but a random stranger and Baekhyun felt no need to ask him about why he was drinking his days away, "It doesn't even make sense! Why the hell are people so willing to accept soulmate bond? Because they're fucking idiots who can't think for themselves," the drunk man ranted out, obvious bitterness in his tone, "I dated a girl for five fucking years! Gave nothing but love and happiness to her, and yet the moment she meets her soulmates she dumps me like the five years were nothing."

A dry chuckle was Baekhyuns only response, finding the whole situation ironic, because he always thought the same thing. It was the reason why he majored in soul study, to try to understand why soulmates even exist, to try to change his hand. To try to find a way to have a soulmate of his own, because he too wanted to be an idiot and have already a predestined love waiting for him.

"Welcome to the real world man," Baekhyun pushed one of his shots towards him, patting his back slightly, "Its a fucking shitty place for people without soulmates."

"You got that right."


Grumbling underneath my breath, I closed my laptop rather roughly, the sound echoing around my quite room. Rubbing my eyes, I breathed out tiredly, trying to rub away the sleepiness, my eyes tired after staring at a bright screen for hours.

Glancing at my phone, I finally realized just the amount of notifications I had. A guilty feeling sunk in as I looked at the countless messages I received from the boys, all attempting to check in on me. Jimin and Hoseok attempted to invite me to the dance studio, while Jungkook and Taehyung asked to study together, as Seokjin wanted me to take a break if I was busying myself with studying, while Yoongi and Namjoon was asking how my day way. All of them sent hours ago but there were some just recently sent, along with missed calls.

Slumping in my chair, I quickly sent apology texts for accidentally ignoring them, before checking if by chance, Baekhyun finally answered my calls or text, but I wasn't even surprised when I received nothing from him.

Remembering that Kimie said Baekhyun hung around the bar near the college, I got off from my chair, stumbling a little as I adjusted to standing after hours of sitting. Walking over to my bathroom, I glanced at my marks, glad it was still a dark gray and that it wasn't fading anymore as it had already. Gently bringing up a hand to trace over a mark the best I could, I expected to feel warmth to spread through me, like it does for countless people who touch their marks after bonding, to feel my soulmates emotions and yet I felt nothing. Both my arms fell limp beside me, before I reached for my jacket and slipped it on, intending to find Baekhyun.

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