22: Soul's Dance

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"Sorry," I mumbled, possibly several dozens time already as I sheepishly gave Kimie another appreciative smile.

I underestimated the difficulty of getting ready one-handed, and when I was struggling even putting on my pants this morning, I walked into Kimie's room like a child who just wet their bed, asking her for help. Kimie wasn't annoyed or anything with being woken up, as she glady helped me get into my jeans and buttoned them, even volunteering to put my shoes on. I tried to protest, but she insisted on doing it anyway.

Having a broken arm sucks ass.

Speaking of ass, "Do you know what club Baekhyun goes to?" I suddenly asked after Kimie helped me pack my bags, suddenly worried for my pink haired friend, who still hasn't answered any of my calls or texts.

Only shrugging, Lilia sat on the couch, which was clear of any articles of clothing, makeup and junk as the moment she got home and noticed Jin and Taehyung were there, she apologized and began cleaning, the two boys helping her, and all three making Sera sit down and rest.

"Probably the one near the college where all the university students go to," She replied, also worried about Baeknhyun, but knew he was a grown-ass adult and can make decisions on his own, "Chanyeol told me he hasn't been attending classes and stuff, caught him drinking in the morning." Everyone was worried about the pink-haired boy, knowing this was out of character for him.

Nodding, Sera put on her backpack, ready for the day, "Anyway I'm gonna go, have a good day."

"You too sweet cheeks!"


When the professor big good-bye for the day, signaling the end of class, I wanted to just cheer and I nearly ran out. I came in early and already talked to the teacher about the stuff I needed catching up on, and luckily he was understanding that I literally fractured my skull and couldn't come to school.

"Sera!" An unfamiliar voice stopped me from walking away to the library to study. Turning around slightly confused about who was calling me as I didn't have any friends in this class.

Seeing who it was, I was slightly confused when I saw Chanyeol approaching me with a rather bright and happy smile. Reddish-brown hair shined in the sunlight, and despite his dark brown eyes, it seemed kind and happy as his tanned skin made girls drool along with his nice facial features and overall good body. He was from the EXO Frat House, which Baekhyung belonged too.

I've met Chanyeol a few times because of Baekhyun, they're best friends, like brothers. Embarrassingly enough I did accidentally grind on him during one of Exo's party because I was drunk, luckily Baekhyun didn't let anything go further.

"I see you're out of the hospital, I was worried for a second!" He spoke happily when he reached me, and I remembered he was the one who found me and brought me to the hospital. How did I not notice Chanyeol was in my Organic Chemistry class?

Greatful, I bowed slightly to him, "I never got the chance to thank you for bringing me to the hospital."

Nodding, Chanyeol only chuckled, brown eyes unconciously going to Sera's arm that was not in a cast, the arm she usually had convered up with bandages, "It's what anyone would do, no need to thank me..." He gaze traced over the intricate black marks, instantly knowing it was a soulmate mark, and he couldn't help but find it similar, "You have a soulmate mark," he said unconciously.

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