28: Breathing

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Hello guys I know this is unusual for me to do an authors note, but this is something that I can not stay silent in. Please just for a breif moment read what I am about to right & please take action:

I am not one to express my own personal beleifs of much of anything, usually sticking to only talking about the stories I write or small aspects about my life, yet as a person of color in America, a proud Filipino, I can not stay silent about this as SILENCE IS VIOLENCE. While my platform may be small, I still have the ability to have a voice, to speak up to birng awarness againt the corrupt system in America that has been suppressing POC/minorties since the very beginning.

On May 25, 2020 an African America man named George Floyd was unjustifiably killed by a police officer named Darek Chauvin in Minneapolis. Chauvin used unnecessary force, and knelt on the neck of Floyd, and ended up killing an innocent man. This event, caught on camera, sparked a wave of protest that is going on, to not only bring justice for the death of Geroge Floyd, but to all the other unjustifiable deaths done by the hands of the police, a system, an organization, that was meant to protect the citizens of the US. They hide behind their badges, try to make excuses for why they did what they did, but there is no excuse, no hiding the racism, the oppression, the biases and discrimnations that African Americans face in the hands of a system that was meant to protect them, and everyone else.

So many people now, across the nations, and even other countries, are now protesting agasint such a corrupt system, and asking for justice in a system that was suppose to be just from the very beginning. As an American citizen and as a person of color, I choose to support and fight along side the Black Lives Matter movement, and I hope as my readers, that you will to. If you can not physically protest with the others, there are other ways to help, to support the movement.

For those who do choose to phsycailly participate in these protests, please stay safe, please remain vigilent, more importantly, please remain peacefull. We are fighting a violent and oppressive system, and if we fight such system with the same violence, we are only replacing a violent system with another one. Please do your research to stay safe and others ways to help the Black Lives Matter movement.



"Hello, did you need something mom?"

"Don't hello me! You haven't called me in days and all I get is a simple 'hello, did you need something mom?' At Least sound excited that I called."

A sigh escaped his lips, "Sorry mom, I've been busy lately. How have you been?"

"Work has been tiring, America's such a weird place and your siblings are brats as always. Have you been taking care of yourself? What about your soulmates?"

"We've been doing fine, the maknaes are stressing over finals though."

"That's good, what about my sweetheart Lilia? She's doing well I hope? You've always been on the mean side, so you better not been making her feel like crap."

Yoongi's blood ran cold, nearly dropping his phone. When he didn't reply, his mom continued talking, "Why are you not talking? I swear to god if you made her cry!"

"I think Lilia went to live with her aunt in America. Maybe you can catch up with her," Yoongi grumbled, no longer wanting to talk to his mom, as he glanced to his bed where Jungkook was laid sleeping, a dazy smile on his lips after having just gotten off the phone with Sera.

Yoongi was in such a good mood, but now it was ruined.

"What did you do Min Yoongi?! I swear if it was your rude mouth I'm goi-."

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