40: Holding On

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"Thought I could bump into you guys here," Baekhyun's loud voice rang through the large and mostly empty soccer field, where seven other boys were at, a few sat off to the side observing, while the rest were on the field playfully kicking the soccer ball to one another. The smell of grass and wet wood permeated through the air as just a few days ago it had rained in Korea.

It was currently the middle of fall break, with most of the campus empty, besides a few people who chose to stay in the dorms instead of go back home. Sera's soulmates were also part of that group, though they lived in an apartment close by then the actual dormitory. With the sudden amount of free time the college students were suddenly given, they all decided to go on an outing once those who had jobs were free, much to the younger boys' excitement to hang out with their hyungs.

Baekhyun also chose to stay, having no interest in leaving his shared apartment with his friends, only to return to an empty one where no one will be greeting him.

Why go back when no one was waiting for him?

"Byun?" Jungkook called out, recognizing the boy instantly as the person who punched his hyung, and he was not at all pleased to see the blue haired boy. Yet, he couldn't exactly do anything to him as Baekhyun was Sera's closest friend.

Hurting Baekhyun would be the same thing as hurting Sera.

Jungkook knew this fact and it left a bitter feeling inside him.

Baekhyun was the one who was always by Sera's side, and was always there to support her, while Jungkook himself was acting like a complete asshole, "What are you doing here Sunbaenim?" Jungkook asked politely, walking up to him and the rest of his soulmate, his brown eyes going down to the neatly packaged box that Baekhyun carried, wrapped in a light blue fabric.

Gazing at the youngest, Baekhyun only gave a slight nod, finding nothing in himself to bring out his overly friendly attitude like he usually did, "One of the professors told me you guys were here. You guys are going with Sera to meet her family in a few days right?" He then carefully handed the box to Yoongi, who was seated in one of the bleachers and took the box confused, "Bring this with you alright? It's for Aunty and Uncle."

"I thought you guys went to the same highschool, why don't you come along?" Seokjin asked.

"Because I don't want to," Was his simple and plain response, before turning his head to the side, contemplating if he could leave now, "I never go home for fall break either way. Anyway, thanks."

Turning on his heels, Baekhyun began to walk away, not finding a reason to stick around longer, and wanted to go back to his apartment to play games with Sehun. Also the smell of fresh rain greatly annoyed him as it brought back unpleasant memories of the past, and would much rather prefer to smell Kyung-Soo's homemade cooking. Majority of his roommates were home in the apartment, and if it weren't for dropping off the package to Sera's soulmates, Baekhyun would have never left the cozy and fun atmosphere of the apartment.

A place where he didn't feel alone.

"Sunbaenim!" Jungkook suddenly called out, quickly jogging up to Baekhun's retreating figure, causing the older boy to stop with an unsuppressed annoyed look directed towards the younger. Eyes already asking him what he wanted, causing Jungkook to, uncharacteristically, shuffle about his foot in nervousness, "You know Sera's family well...I just wanted to ask if you can tell us a little about them."

"..." A tense silence passed them as Baekhyun didn't reply, as if he was waiting for Jungkook to change his mind and flee back to his soulmate's arm, but the younger boy was much more resilient than that. Sighing, Baekhyjng grumbled underneath his breath as he relaxed his tense posture, "What can I say about them? Uncle is just like Sera, and Aunty likes intelligent people. Chu-Hei...she doesn't talk much and doesn't like it when people are loud, especially in the morning."

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