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"Are you ready to see it with me Rob?" I asked my son as we heading down to the basement. Robin is currently 6 months old, and with me unable to go to the dancing studio, I just decided to build one in our house. It was going to be in the basement and I have a system that tells me if Robin has woken up or is crying.

I'm going to have to do all of my practicing while hes sleeping which is a pretty difficult task, but I will be able to get it done if I'm consistent with it. "Oh my God, look at this baby. This is where mommy is going to practice all of his moves," I said and looked around the room.

I pulled my phone put and got on Instagram

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I pulled my phone put and got on Instagram. I went to 'Add to your story' and I started to walk around the room with it recording. "Hey guys. I wanted to show you guys this dancing studio that I just installed into my basement. This is where I will be able to do what I love while being with someone who I love majorly," I said before flipping the camera to my face. I showed Robin to the camera and he tried to reach for it.

"Mommy won't be leaving you baby," I said to him, but also giving specific people a little dig. "You won't have to miss mommy because I'm going to be here." He looked at me and I smiled big at him. He smiled right back and I cooed. I kissed the top of his head and he cooed at me right back.

"I'll give you guys an update about him in a moment. Just going to look around to see if there is anything that needs to be worked on. Say bye Robin," I said pointing the camera at him again. His mouth opened in a smile and he made grabby hands at it. I giggled before ending my story. I looked around for a bit more before I walked upstairs and walked to the living room. "Tummy time!" I cheered softly and I placed him on the soft carpet and I sat down while he was laying on his belly.

I went live on Instagram and as I waited for people to join. I watched the numbers go up fast and the first one to say something was Niall.

niallhoran: Really Harry? Had to subtly call us out like that?

I read it, but I just smiled. "I dont know what you mean. Don't you guys have a show to attend to? I'm sure that matters a lot more than this update on Robin," I said and Robin looked at me. He slowly tried to crawl to me and I smiled at his attempt.

"Anyways, hello again everyone," I said and waved at the camera.

zayn: Don't you think that this is a bit childish?

"Really? Okay, so apparently I'm being childish everyone. I have not seen my fiancés ever since Robin was 4 months. They won't be back until July and they informed me last month that they have an 'important job' to do in New York on our baby's first birthday. Is the way that I'm feeling right now too much?" I asked and started to read the comments out loud.

"No, I would be the same way if my husband was like that. Thank you Sarah. They are lucky that you still have the decency to talk to them. Marry them in fact. I guess that's true Hannah. No. You are basically the mother of your baby. They are the fathers. The two of you are supposed to be there for the child 100% no 75%, no 50%. Heck 110%. No, 1000%. You are foing your part and they aren't doing theirs. Right!"

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