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We drove up to our house and I smiled at the sight of all Christmas decorations that Harry must've put out. Yeah, we talked with management and it was a long discussion until they allowed us to have a three week break so that we can spend Christmas with our baby boy Robin and our lover Harry. We will have December 14-December 28 off.

Harry doesn't know though. All that Harry knows is that we are going to be back home in July. Oh and another thing, we aren't going to miss Robin's first birthday. We get to stay home on April 14th actually. The movie and gigs are in the U.K. Yeah, we lied, but we just want to surprise Harry is all. We are going to tell Harry about that though. He is going to feel bad, but I will reassure him that it's okay.

Zayn was driving, so I was just scrolling through my socials before clicking on 'New Posts!' I saw our baby smiling at the camera.

Liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 11,890,100 othersharrystyles: What?! 4 more months until I'm 1!? My baby is going to be having his first Christmas! I'm so excited! I'm going to give you his update pretty fast since he is slee...

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Liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 11,890,100 others
harrystyles: What?! 4 more months until I'm 1!? My baby is going to be having his first Christmas! I'm so excited! I'm going to give you his update pretty fast since he is sleeping right now. I will be live in a few. I just need a cup of eggnog lol.

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annetwist: My precious grandson💕
loui21: Is Louis there?! Why aren't you including the four men that got you that baby in the first place? You are a horrible fiancé!
harrystyles: If you wanted a picture of Louis and our baby, then all you had to do was ask.
harrystyles: He has Niall's smile, Louis's laugh, Louis's eyes, his neutral face reminds me of Liam, and his face whenever he sleeps is like Zayn.
louist91: I bet that he has his momma's cute giggle and adorable pout💙
harrystyles: Aww! Love you Lou💚 Missing you guys so much🥰❤

I smiled and liked his reply. Yeah, he isn't upset with us anymore. He just missed us was most of what he was feeling. He doesn't have to miss us anymore though. I took my keys out and unlocked our front door before I opened it and stepped in. I looked around and saw the Christmas decorations up. I then spotted Harry on the living room floor with his laptop opened and his phone leaning on a book. He turned and his hands flew over his mouth.

"Oh my god," he gasped and I chuckled. "No hugs or kisses, eh?" I asked as I opened my arms. He stood up and jogged up to before jumping into my arms. "Oh my god," he cried and hid his face in my neck. "Oh love, don't cry," I said and held him tight. He pulled away, but not completely, because he kissed me. "I missed you," he said before giving me another kiss.

He then went to the others and I placed my luggage near the couch. I walked around one of our long couches and sat down. I pulled out my phone right when I saw going back to the floor right in front of me. When I saw the notification 'Harry LIVE NOW!' I looked and saw him log into his laptop before looking at his phone. I moved onto the floor and wrapped my arm around his shoulders which he automatically leaned into.

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