7 (Part A)

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I pulled out my phone as I was watching over Robin who was doing his tummy time for the day. Louis and Niall were playing FIFA in the basement, Liam was out on his daily run of the day, and Harry was in the kitchen, making the New Years meal I'm assuming. However, I guess he was taking a break since this notification was from him and it had Robin as a newborn as the posts picture.


Liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 11,389,289 othersharrystyles: Happy new year to you all! It has been a year for me lol, but I will tell you that it has been the most blessed year that I have EVER had in my life! People who ar...

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Liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 11,389,289 others
harrystyles: Happy new year to you all! It has been a year for me lol, but I will tell you that it has been the most blessed year that I have EVER had in my life! People who are engaged would say that it's because of their soon-to-be husbands or wives. People who made it within their career would say that it's because of their dream. For me though, it's because of this cutie that you see right above this caption. This year introduced me to being a mom for the first time ever! This year, Robin Hayes Tayne Malikan entered the world and my heart. I swear that I would not live if he was never there and this whole thing was a dream. The boys and I had our first child this year, and if that doesn't scream blessed to you guys, then I don't know what does.

He warms my heart whenever he just looks at me. He doesn't even have to smile. He could be neutral, and I would be falling even more harder for him! He is the cutest and the most wonderful baby that I have ever met. Yeah, I have been so gifted and so blessed that I could just picture God just nodding his head, giving even more gifts. I could ramble on and on about my boy, but I think that's 1st birthday worthy. WHICH IS APPROACHING FAST OH MY GOD! Anyways, I hope that you guys have had an amazing year and I hope that it has been a great one for you guys. It was for me surely. All the love! -H💚

I smiled and liked the post. I showed my phone screen to Robin and he stared at it. "That is you little one," I said and he cooed and gurgled as a response. I smiled and let out a little chuckle. I put my phone away right when the door opened, and Harry was walking in. He saw us and started to make his way towards us.

"Lovely post babe," I said as he sat down next to me. "Hey Z. Did the two of you do anything special while I was in the kitchen?" He asked as he looked at our son. He was looking at his toy frog that was a few feet away and I looked at our son, who suddenly had a determined look on his face. He got on all fours and crawled towards the toy.

"Well I have been having a bit of fun time with our little guy, putting the toys at a distance so that he could crawl yo go get it," I tell Harry and he nodded. "Any communication skills?" "No, but let's revisit that. Hey Robin?" I called and Robin looked at me as he reached the doll and had it in his mouth. "Can you say hi to momma?" I asked and he looked at me before looking at Harry.

He then made grabby hands at Harry. Meaning that he was saying hi to him. "Aww, hi baby," Harry said and waved back at the 8 month old child. Robin continued to make grabby hands at Harry. Which was like a big sign of 'Pick me up.' Harry did get the hint and he crawled over before he picked up our soon. He gurgled again and clapped his hands with the doll still in his hand.

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