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Harry and the girls outfit

Harry and the girls outfit

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The men's outfit

"We have a big surprise for you all! Are you ready for it?" The fans screamed and hollar, but Niall shook his head

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"We have a big surprise for you all! Are you ready for it?" The fans screamed and hollar, but Niall shook his head. "Nah...that isn't good enough...I asked if you are ready!" Which only made them scream even louder. He smiled at the fans and had them calm down. "Alright, alright. This performance is going to be in two parts. This first part is a real special one since the person really wanted to dedicate their performance to our son. They wanted to show and let our kid know that whatever he is or whatever he wants to be, he should be proud and he should always know that he has us as his immediate supporters."

The crowd cooed and Niall smiled. "Wanna know who it is?" They all screamed 'Yes!' "Alright! Well here they are! Here is..."Niall then went off the stage and the audience waited and they were pretty anticipated on it. "Good luck love," Niall says and gives me a sweet kiss to the cheek. I smiled, kissed him back before the lights in the arena blacked out and we were raised up to top platform. There were a few mumbles from the fans, but then the lights shined on us.

The entire place erupted with screams and cheers. I didn't expect for them to be louder than how they were when One Direction was out here, but I guessed wrong. I smiled and waved at everyone. My group then stomped their feet and that's when the lights were the colors of the pride flag. Then the music started and it was like as if we haven't missed a beat.

I was able to pull a few flips and spins in the song, so that they can tell that I was back to how I was before. The song also held basically movements and we kept the consistency perfect and so damn well. When the song was over, we had our index finger on our right hand in the air, basically saying that e are #1. The arena erupted in cheers and there were many flowers threw on stage. A stage worker came and gave me a mic. I thanked her and looked at the fans who were still screaming for us.

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