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"This fit is so tolerable for pregnant people. Like look how cute this looks guys," I watched Harry film for his Instagram story and he turned to the side to show that he was in fact, showing.

Today marks 20 weeks for Harry and his pregnancy with our twins and we have been pretty excited to be halfway to being able to hold our twins in our arms. A lot of close family members have been stopping by to checkup on Harry and they've been volunteering to be babysitters for Robin so that we can have some alone time together. Lottie is at our house right now to babysit, so that's why we don't have Robin with us at the moment.

"Now this dress is from a close friend of mine

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"Now this dress is from a close friend of mine. Thank you so much Kelsey for gifting me this!" I smiled at my pregnant husband as he was making his little dedication post to his friend. When he was done, he put his phone in his little bag. He then looked at me and smiled. "Halfway there Z!" "Halfway there indeed, lovely,' I said and he giggled as he felt my arm around his waist and my hand rubbing little circles on his belly bump. "I can't wait to see what gender we're going to be having!" Niall cheered and Harrt (being who he is) cheered with him.

I smiled at my two husbands and looked ahead. "Are you having any creavings by any chance?" I asked my pregnant lover and he nodded his head. "I'm in the mood for some pretzels and honey mustard," he says and it was good timing too, because we were walking by a Annie's Pretzels. I turned the two of them to the little shop and Harry smiled big and got in line.

I think with Harry being pregnant, a lot of our fans respected our private life and left us alone. We are barely asked for a photo or a signature nowadays. Harry even said that he doesn't even get the questions of when he's going back to dancing anymore. I think it's because of how dedicated we are to grow our family that they just decided to give us this time to ourselves. They even hate on the paparazzi for taking photos of us without us knowing because know that it is intervening with our privacy.

Anyways! I handed Harry my debit card and he thanked me with a soft kiss to the cheek before he started to order. He got something for us, but I know when he asked for two bags of mini pretzels and a whole big amount of honey mustard...that was going to be for him for sure. He thanked the worker and walked up to me after he paid and he handed both Niall and I what he ordered for us and we both kissed his cheek at the same time, making him giggle.

We sat on a little bench together and we enjoyed our snack together. "This is so freaking good," Harry said with like...3 pretzels in his mouth. "You are so freaking cute babe," I said and kissed his temple and that made him giggle again. "Hey, how would you guys react if any of our kids are born disabled? Like I'm sure of what the answer is, but I want to be sure, you know? Like I know that I will more than likely have no problem getting pregnant, but there could be complications one of those times. Like if I give birth early or something?" "We are still going to love the child, love."

"Yeah, no matter what happens, we are going to love and cherish the little bundles of joy that we create together," Niall agrees and smothers our pregnant husband with kisses to his cheek. Harry giggled and leaned into it, and I just looked with a fond look on my face.

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