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"This is going to be so exciting!" Harry exclaims as he was packing his suitcase. We were invited to go on this family trip with my side of the family. Well...Harry was invited. It was guaranteed for me to come, but they asked Harry since he is expecting our soon-to-be born twins. There is going to be alcohol on this trip and they didn't want Harry to feel uncomfortable with all of the drinking. He didn't care though, and he was all smiles when I promised that I would not get drunk while we were away. He did want me to have fun, but I wanted Harry to have fun as well and feel as much included as possible.

Sure he didn't ask for me to do so, but I'm not going on this trip to only have fun with my family. I'm going to have fun with my pregnant husband by myself before the twins come into our lives.

"Did you pack my favorite outfit?" He asked me and I nodded with a chuckle. "This is no laughing matter Lou! I just so happen to love that outfit," he says with his hands on his hips and a really cute pout on his face. I cooed at my adorable husband and I walked up to him. He looks up at me, still pulling his cute pout. I lowered my head and I kissed his pout away. "I packed my outfit baby. You are just really cute," I said and he smiled. "I know! I get rewarded with kisses because of it," he says happily and I smile at him.

For the record, Harry isn't asking if I packed a sexy outfit. He just really likes this outfit of mine because it practically swallows him and he likes to wear Liam, Niall, Zayn, and my outfits whenever he's expecting. Sure this is like...his 2nd pregnancy, but we already can see this as a habit of his. He's 3 months out and he's already stealing our clothes.

I walked into our bathroom and I saw Harry taking a picture of his little baby bump. I walk closer to him and when he noticed me, he switched it to video. "3 months today! So many more weeks to go!" He cheers and I chuckled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and I placed my hands delicately on his bump. "Are you ready to see this belly grow even bigger from when I had Robin?" He asks and I sighed. "You look gorgeous baby. Pregnant or not, you are devine. I just can't wait to see these two come into this world." "Well I can. I actually enjoy being pregnant thank you," he joked and I just kiss him before I walked away.

He helped me pack for a little bit of time till we were both done. When we were, I brought the bags down and the boys were at the bottom of the stairs to see us off. "Is he okay? Does he need any help?" Niall asked when I was at the bottom. I looked at him and smiled. "He's okay Niall. He is just making small little posts about his pregnancy, but he's about to be down here so-" "Where's my little Robin?" Harry asked as he was walking down.

"Mommy!" Robin exclaimed and reached for his mother as he was in Zayn's arms. Harry smiled at his little boy and picked him out from Zayn's arms. "Are you going to be good for your daddy's while we are away?" He asked with that same giddy smile from before. Robin bobbed his head. "Now I expect a video call every night from you Mr. Understand?" He then asked and Robin bobbed his head again.

"We'll make sure of it love. Now you need to be on the road. The flight leaves in an hour and it takes such a long time to get through," Liam spoke and Harry sighs. "I guess that's true. I will miss you so much my little Rob," Harry says as he begins to tear up. "Aww baby, he'll be okay and so will you. Everything will be fine while you're gone and when you come back. There's no need for tears," Zayn says and holds Harry for a bit of time.

We spent the next 5 minutes hugging one another before I was walking Harry out of the house and we were heading to the airport. I had my hand on his belly and he had his hand on mine as I was driving. We had our private plane and we are going to fly over there with a few of my family members. Lottie, Phoebe, and Daisy are going to be with us while Dorris and Earnest were going to get there with my grandparents.

We were the first to get there, but the girls were right behind us. We greeted them once we saw them enter the plane and my three sisters took turns rubbing Harry's baby bump. It made me smile, and I melted as I was hearing them speak to my unborn twins. They were re-introducing themselves like how they always do it whenever they see or meet up with Harry.

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