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"Okay, I'm leaving! The milk is in the fridge and the twins need to be fed every other hour. The next feeding i-" "Babe, we're your husband's, not the babysitter," Zayn says as he was walking into the living room with one of our girls in his arms. "I know. This is just the first time you guys are around when our babies are only months old." That made them look at me apologetically. "No! It's fine, I was just saying. You guys are here now and that's what I'm really grateful for," I reassured them and kissed Niall's cheek since he was closer.

Our girls are only one month old and my doctor reached out to me last week, giving me the good-to-go sign on performing. I told my group and they all said that they were in the clear, so they were set to perform as well.

It was only a one time thing and I did remind them and of course they understood. A few of them talked about how they were wishing to continue the expansion of their families (and yes, I was one of those few people), and there were a few who weren't ready to get back to dancing just yet. It wasn't anything against the group. Trevor just wants to adopt a kid and he wants to be at home for the most part for that. However, him and Richard are willing to do this one thing for me.

"How soon are we going to be planning for baby number four?" Liam asked as I was grabbing my car keys. I looked at him and smiled softly. "Oh Lima. Just give me some months and we'll get back to it, I promise," I declared and went up to kiss him too. I planted a soft kiss to his cheek and as I backed up, I saw his sad face. "Liam, I'm telling you that everything is going to be worth it in the end. Now I really have to go," I tell them and I rushed out of the house.

I got in my car and as I was backing out of the driveway, I was thinking about what song I could dance to. It had to be one of their songs, but I want it to be upbeat and uplifting... I was going through my playlist and as I stopped on one of Liam's songs, I just knew that this was it.

Now as I was heading to our dancing studio, I was already missing my babies. I reached a stop light and I pulled up Zayn's number. I FaceTimed him and it went on a couple of times before he actually answered. "Baby, aren't you driving?" "No-" a honk sounded off and I sighed. "Babe... You don't need to be on your phone while driving." "But I want to see my babies Z... I miss them already," I whined and he smiled. "Well I'll show you Robin first since he's right next to me," he tells me and he moves his camera to show my first born.

"Hey baby," I coo while smiling at the camera. Robin looked off to the side before he turned to face Zayn's phone and he leaned close to it. "Momma!" He greeted and I giggled. "You being a good boy whole mom's gone?" Robin bobbed his head and you just have no clue as to how badly I wanted to be pregnant again. "Zayn." "Yes babe?" "After this surprise, I want you guys to get me pregnant that same night. Do as many tricks as you can to get me there, but I really want another," I confess and I heard him chuckle on the other end.

"Broda?" Robin asked and Zayn hummed. "If your momma and daddy's body decide that, then you should have a little brother." "Yay!" "Now momma needs to see your sisters, okay?" Robin bobbed his head and I was pulling into a parking spot at this point. I parked and got out of my car. I grabbed a few things before I got out. "I want another Z!" I exclaimed and I looked up to see Nicole looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Baby fever kicking already?" Is what she asked and I nodded my head with a big smile. I put myself on mut so that Zayn wouldn't be able to hear what was going on."Well I already know how quick you are going to answer every interviewer when they ask if this is an official comeback."

"It's going to be a big ole hell no!" I shouted with a big smile and she laughed. We walked into the studio and I was met with a group hug. "Eski! Eski! Eski!" They chang in unison and I laughed. "I missed ryoy guys too. Let me just talk to my girls and then get off the phone, yeah?" They nodded and I moved away from them to speak to the twins. They stared when they saw me and Johanna started to reach for the phone. "Hello sweets! Mommy misses you!" I waved and Felicia gurgled and started to reach as well.

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