20 (Short)

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Liked by gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 4,480,181harrystyles: Proud is an understatement when it comes to how I feel about my sweet husband's

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Liked by gemmastyles, lottietomlinson, and 4,480,181
harrystyles: Proud is an understatement when it comes to how I feel about my sweet husband's. Sure we haven't been together since the start of each other's careers, but I can definitely say that these men have made names for themselves. I find it as a pet peeve whenever someone asks me if I'm still married to One Direction. I always tell them no. Because I'm married to: Louis W. Tomlinson, Liam J. Payne, Niall J. Horan, and Zayn J. Malik.

I always have a hard time showing my appreciation for them. With me being heavily pregnant, pleasure isn't a possibility. Then there's baking, but my feet will start to hurt after a certain amount of time. So! I will have a surprise waiting for them after I give birth to our gorgeous babies! Hopefully they like it, I've been thinking about it for quite some time now. I hope that you guys like it too! It's a good one for y'all as well.

All the love! -H❤️

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The boys saw this first thing in the morning and they looked at each other. All of them were wondering what could the surprise be? They never ask Harry to do anything for them since he's the one going through the pregnancies. If there's anything they ask him for, it's something small like passing them their phones. They don't let Harry cook when he showed that standing for a long time is a bit of a struggle for him. Liam and Zayn take turns in the kitchen. Even Niall jumps in a few times. They don't want Harry to use too much of his energy. He's already gonna go through a lot when it comes to the delivery.

"He does know that he doesn't have to do anything. He's giving us blessings already," Niall said as he was preparing lunch for all of them. "Was there ever a time where we showed disappointment or something? Like we always thank him for all that he's giving to us and the family that we have, but... We don't need anything more from him." "Yeah, but Harry likes doing things like this. Just to make his loved ones feel appreciated and loved. Even if they didn't ask for him to do it."

"If I knew that a guy like him existed, then I would've married him a long time ago," Niall then said and his three other husbands looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him. "Of course I'd marry you guys too! No need to give me that look," he tells them and they just slowly nodded their heads at him. Niall sighed and finished with the lunch meal. "Can one of you bring this up to Harry? I still need to prepare something for Robin," he asks and Liam was the one who took the plate.

Liam walked up the stairs and walked into the master bedroom. He saw Harry making a video while laying in bed. "The twins are rarely active since they don't have as much space as they did in the previous months, but when they do move, I always get excited knowing that they are awake.

"Hey baby," Liam says and Harry turns his head to the sound of his husband's voice. "Lima!" "Hey love. Hungry?" "Very! Thank you!" "Well Niall made it, so be sure to say something to him too." "Of course," Harry smiled as Liam handed him his plate. Harry took a little bite and covered his mouth a little as he talked, "Be right back." He placed his phone to the side and started to dig right in.

"So... What was that you posted not too long ago?" "Hmmm? Are you talking about me telling the world how proud I am of you guys? I thought you already knew that?" He questioned and Liam chuckled a little. "Oh baby, you've made that so clear. I'm talking about the surprise?" "Oh yeah! It's just a little something that I have planned for you guys is all." "But baby, you are already doing enough. You are carrying our kids. There's not a lot that we can ask of you at this point. Heck, we never ask you for anything, because you are already doing so much for us." "Lima-"

"I'm not saying that you have to cancel whatever you're planning, because I know that you've put a lot of thought into it. I'm just saying that you didn't have to. You are the mother of our kids and you are the creation of this family. You are enough baby. Call me selfish, but I'm happy to have you to myself. Also, I like doing the spoiling. I don't want to be spoiled."

"Well you will be. I will spoil you with so much love that you will need another heart to withhold it all," he exaggerated and Liam smiled at him. "There isn't a possible chance of me getting you to step out of this, is there?" "Nope! Thanks for the food again. Let Niall know that it's good!" He chirped and Liam just stood up and walked out of the room. He walked back to where his husband's were and they looked at him.

"Well there is no getting him out of this for sure. He's really determined to do this for us," Liam says and sits next to Louis. He picked up his sandwich and he started to eat it. "He's Harry. He's known to do surprises for the ones that he cares for. His mother told us that, and she also told us that there is no talking into him, so once he decides to do something, he'll do it," Louis says and looks at his phone again.

"What we need to pay attention to is the arrival of our girls. The doctor did say that Harry has a high chance of delivering early so we really need to be attentive and we need to stay nearby so that we are right there when Harry's water breaks."

"It's still insane as to how close we are to becoming patents to three," Zayn states and the boys smile. "And it's just the start too. That's what's even crazier. I really thought that adoption was the sole route for me. I really didn't think that I was going to be married to a guy who can give me kids of my own. Not that adoption is still out of the picture," Niall said. "I can still remember the conversations we had a out adopting kids before we met Harry. Then I remember when he told us about his gift of carrying. Boy was that amazing," Liam then fonds.

Each boy were getting amped up to meet their daughters, but they were still wondering about Harry's surprise.

Meanwhile, Harry was up in their bedroom, talking to his group about what they are going to do once Harry gets that green card to start dancing again. He wanted to do a dance number, but he didn't know what song yet. There was still planning time for him since there was only 2 more months before he's expected to give birth.

He still wanted to be ready for anything though. He likes being one step ahead on everything, so it wasn't a shock for him to get all of this down and in the books.

He's going to show his lovers how he truly feels after all. He's going to do it in the way that he knows best.

Through dance!

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