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I sat up in my bed and I rubbed my eyes, yawning and stretching. I looked to the left of me and I saw Louis sleeping peacefully in our bed and the sight of him made me feel all warm inside. I leaned down and I pressed a kiss to his forehead and it made him move around a bit before his eyes squeezed shut for a second before they opened up. He looked at me and a smile soon came over his face.

"Morning beautiful," he says with his sleepy voice still in his tone. "Morning sexy," I responded and pecked him on the lips. I felt a hand on my face and I knew that it was him, so I leaned into the palm of his hand and he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "I love you so much baby," he says and I giggled. "Love you too Lou," I responded and he responded by moving my face forward a bit and the two of us had a sweet and gentle kiss. It was the most perfect way to start my day.

"What are you planning to do today?" He asked as he sat up in our bed. "Well after I make the fam and ourselves some breakfast, I'm going on a hike. Just to keep my health and fitness in check with these two. I know that I'm going to be trying for another baby with y'all not too long after the twins are here, but I still want to be fit in between those times." He understood that and nodded his head. "I'll go with you. It's been a while since I've been on a hike anyways," he says and got out of bed. "Are you coming with me?" He asked and I nodded. "Let me just call Liam and see how things are over there." He nodded and walked into the bathroom.

I picked my phone up from the nightstand and I unlocked it. I went to my contacts and I went through them and I pressed on Liam's contact, but before I could call him, a news article notification popped on my phone and it displayed a little caption.

Louis put on the town without Harry? Who's this new guy he's with?

I was confused because I knew that Louis was going out last night because I reminded him that he is free to have fun without me. I mean, I know that he wants to make me feel included because I'm pregnant, so that means that I'm restricted from doing certain things, but I didn't want to take the fun away from him. It was his vacation too.

Anyways, I clicked on the article and it loaded for a few seconds before I saw the headline saying: Louis Tomlinson, singer, husband, cheater?! I rolled my eyes, because even though I wanted to see what this was about, that was still the corniest headline I've ever read. I scrolled through the article and it was talking about how Louis was seen last night with another guy that wasn't me. Then it went to talk about our relationship timeline, but when I got to the photos that were at the bottom of the article, I froze and my hands began to shake.

I thought that he promised not to get drunk? I know that I just said that he was free to have fun on his own, but he told me that he's still not going to get carried away or even get to that point when it comes to drinking. I didn't know that he was with his ex last night...why was he with his ex? Especially when he told me that he disliked him very much. Like he wanted to kick his ass when we first saw that he was invited on this trip.

So why were they together last night?

"Are they up?" Louis asked as he was walking back into the room. "I didn't hear you talking in here," he then says and sits on the side of the bed. I looked at him, then at the article that was still up on my phone, then back at him. "What's wrong baby?" He asks and I felt even more off when he gave me that nickname.

"So I know that you went out last night, but do you mind telling me who you went out with?" "Just a few friends." Okay um...he answered that pretty fast. My insecurities were hitting hard and I felt like crying, but I didn't. My emotions weren't that high just yet, but they were close to getting there if he lies again.

"Are you sure that you only went out with friends? There wasn't another person there that you were with?" I asked and he was lost. "Yeah, I'm sure. What's up love? What's with the questions?" He asked and I stood up from the bed. "It's nothing. Just act like I didn't say anything," I told him and I was about to walk away, but he took my wrist and he had me facing him again. "There's a reason as to why you were asking me those questions. Now what's wrong?" He asked again and I looked at him in the eyes.

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