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"If I wanted to share what the plans are, then it wouldn't be a freaking secret!" I shout, getting upset really quickly. Gemma was in my room, pestering me about what I meant from my post a week ago. She's not the only one who's been pestering me either. It's my family and my husband's family's. They keep asking and they aren't exactly taking no as an answer. They also don't care if my emotions kick into overdrive because here is my sister asking the same damn question once again.

"But it's a surprise for your husband's. Why can't I know about it?" "Because you fucking can't! Now will you please.leave the fuck alone?! Go play with your nephew or some shit!" I cursed and that's when my bedroom door opened and Lottie was walking through the bedroom door.

"Hey, what's with the profanities? There's a little boy downstairs." "It's you guys. You guys keep freaking asking me what my surprise is and you won't take no as an answer. Then when I show that I'm getting irritated by the damn questions, you continue asking me."

"Well we just don't see as to why you need to keep it a secret from us when we aren't the ones who are getting the surprise," Lottie says and sits next to me in my own bed. "I'm not telling you because it's a secret for only me and other certain people to know. You guys will find out when the time comes," I tell the two and get on my phone. I should've known that posting what I posted was a bad idea. The text messages that I get in a daily is so annoying. My mom is the only one who hasn't asked me about what I'm planning.

The main texts that she has been sending me were check-up questions. She would ask me if the twins are doing well and if I'm healthy. She would even ask me if I needed anything. It just seems like the only reasons as to why my in-laws or even my sister is nearby is to ask me about my secret. They know it's not about trying for more babies because they know that once the twins are here, we are going to go a bit slow. Like we won't be as focused as we were before, but we will go with the flow of the baby making process. We are going to get used to the feeling of being parents of three and parents of twins.

"Baby brother, we aren't going to tell them what the big plan is if that is what you are worried about. We know how to keep secrets," Gemma says and I rolled my eyes. I put my phone in my back pocket before I stood up. "If you two are just going to pester me about something that I obviously don't want to share, then please leave my house. I'm in my third trimester and the last thing that I want to feel is frustration, annoyance, and stress. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go be with my son," I tell the two and I walk out of my bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and saw my baby in his play pin. He was playing with his Scooby Doo toys and the sight made me smile big. "I'm so happy you can't say full on sentences. I can officially say that you are my escape," I spoke out loud and he popped his head to the sound of my voice. He looked right at me and he smiled immediately. "Momma!" He reached out to me and I giggle. I walk over to his pin and I pick him up and out of it.

He leaned his head on my shoulder and I sighed contently. I walk over to a couch and take a seat. "Baby brother?" "What Gems?" I respond, sounding annoyed already. "Hey, I'm sorry for pressuring you. I just like to know the inside scoop, you know? I really don't mean to make you upset. I should've left it alone when you said no the first time. I don't want to stress you out. Especially while you're this pregnant." I looked at her and I smiled at her.

"Thanks sis. I just want this to be a surprise for everyone, you know? I don't want to surprise them and have you come around and say 'I knew about this a while ago'. Just something nice for us all, yeah?" "Yeah, I get that now. I guess I just didn't see it as a big deal for me." "Well not for you, but something that might make you a little excited." "Yeah, I guess that's a good enough surprise," she says and she takes a seat right next to me. "Gem Gem!" Robin chirps and smiles at Gemma. "Hey little man. Are you ready to turn 2? This is a huge life goal. It's a big deal for your first, but for your second? We have to go big, yeah?" "Yeah! Big big!" He exclaims and I smiled fondly at my little boy.

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