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Harry has been gone for a few days and I was still upset with him. I mean...he was supposed to have all of his faith in me, right? Like he's supposed to believe me and trust me when I say that nothing happened. I know that he's pregnant and all, but that doesn't mean that he needs to act like that...

I do miss him though... Like there isn't anyone else that I can cuddle with at night and there isn't anyone that I can have fun with. My family is great and all, but I feel truly at home whenever Harry is around and he has that beautiful smile on his face. There is seriously no one else that can replace that for me. I have received texts from Zayn, Liam, and Niall and they're asking what happened. I never responded to them because I felt like it was something that Harry and I need to solve alone. I don't want to get shit from them either. Liam would probably say 'Louis, he's pregnant. Of course he's going to act this way. You just need to remind him that you love him and that there is no one else.'

It's honestly annoying when you're the oldest, but you are getting scolded half the time. Love them to bits, but they treat me like a child sometimes and I fucking hate it.

Anyways...I'm laying in my bed and I'm looking through Harry's Instagram. He didn't post about me, but he did do a little update on his health and his pregnancy. He doesn't like talking about his love life in the public eye and with him still doing interviews about his pregnancy and his married life, he likes to limit things to the world now that he's focusing on growing our family. Which we support 100% obviously.


Liked by annetwist, zayn, and 5,356,289 othersharrystyles: My mood ×2☺️ I'm currently 14 weeks today and I can't express how happy I am to have made it through the first trimester with no mishaps

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Liked by annetwist, zayn, and 5,356,289 others
harrystyles: My mood ×2☺️ I'm currently 14 weeks today and I can't express how happy I am to have made it through the first trimester with no mishaps. My little ones are about the size of a lemon! Can't wait to meet these two angels either! What do you think I'm having? 2 boys or 2 girls? I'm already thinking of names my gosh...I just love this so much!!!

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I smiled at his little post and I liked it. We may have left things in a bad way, but I still love him and I love the fact that I married him and that we are living this life. I feel that way with my other husbands and I wouldn't change this in any other way. I just love them so fucking much!

Knocking comes from my bedroom door and I just mumbled, telling whoever it is to come in. They did and of course it was my ex-boyfriend. He smiled when he saw me, but I didn't bother smiling back (not that I wanted to anyway). I didn't like being around him and I really wished that he would go back to wherever he came from. I don't know who brought him here and to whoever who did...fuck you.

He sat on the edge of my bed and I just moved further from him. I was still scrolling through Harry's Instagram and I stopped on the video that he made that revealed his pregnancy to the world. It melted my heart all over again and I felt so emotional watching it. I know that he's in the 2nd trimester and I should be over it already, but the sight of him showing the rest with tears down his face made me emotional all over again. I felt something touching my leg and I jerked it away. I looked up and I saw Stan grinning at me like some creep.

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