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"Louis?" Liam called and I looked at him and nodded. "Do you know where Harry is? He kind of disappeared like an hour ago and I have no clue as to where he is," he tells me and I was really curious. "Um...I haven't seen him for a hot minute. Did he feel unwell or something?" I asked and he shook his head. "He just told me that he needed to wee and that was it. I'm worried that he's going to miss Zayn's performance. Zayn really wanted him to see it." "I know. I'm sure that they have TV's in the back, so maybe Harry won't miss it?" "You know that Zayn wanted Harry to see it in person..." "That is true, let's just hope that he makes it for the performance." "Maybe he's having trouble putting his dress back on. I can go and check?" Niall suggested.

"We can't have you miss the performance too," I tell him and he rolled his eyes. "The bathroom isn't too far from here. I know how to hurry it up. I'll be right back," Niall says and stands up. Before I could even say anything, he was off. He hurried down the steps and went out of sight. All I could do was sit back and hope for the best. "Harry has been nervous lately. Is he pregnant?" "No. He was really determined to get pregnant after this. He wouldn't fall back on it either, so that isn't the case."

"Then what could it be?" "I really don't know Liam. Maybe it has to deal with his surprise. Maybe it's going to happen after this event. I really don't know. He wouldn't miss our performance for anything , so I didn't know what changed..." I looked at the stage as Miley was announcing the upcoming events after the commercial break. Zayn is expected to perform once the break is over, so I was a lot more nervous. Is Harry really going to miss Zayn's performance?

"Where the hell could he be?" I asked under my breath, but Liam heard me. "I really don't know love. The most that we can do is hope and maybe he'll be here on time. He could be backstage and Zayn is okay with that. As long as he's here to cheer him on, he's happy," He tells me and I just sighed. "Hope you're right..."

Eventually I saw Niall coming back. When I locked eyes with him, he shook his eyes and I cursed under my breath. "This night is supposed to be perfect guys. It isn't perfect without Harry right here. Why would he disappear without saying anything to us? Did he have anything else planned or something?" I asked and the two just shrugged their shoulders. "He would've told us if he had plans, but he wouldn't plan anything on a special day."

"Then why isn't he here yet?" I asked again, but before Niall could say anything, Nick and Stan came down and said, "Aw...look at you four. Don't you guys look so cute. Where is Harry?" "Maybe he's getting fucked in the back. You know how he is about sex," Nick said as he looked at Stan. "I'm not sure if you are talking about yourself or what, because Harry isn't like that at all. You slept with a woman while you were with him, didn't you? Also, mind your language around the baby. That's the least that you could do," I tell them with anger set in my eyes.

"Hey, we are just speaking the truth. Maybe he knew that Zayn was going to suck ass and he ditched before he gets himself embarrassed." "And you continue on with the foul language..." Niall groaned and looked at Robin who was just staring at the two dickheads in front of us.

"What? This is a big night gentleman. Harry dreamed about performing at a show like this for so long and with Zayn performing, he didn't want to be shamed for the rest of his life. He doesn't like to be known as the husband of an absolute failure," Nick says and laughs. "You! Failure!" Robin shouts and I looked at my son as he pointed at Nick. "Mommy no meanie! You meanie! Away!" He continues to shout and I was honestly shocked.

"The fact that we have never talked about either of you to him says a lot, so I would suggest that you listen to him before he starts crying and security will have to drag you away from us," Liam says and the two looked at our son, then back at us. "He's right about one thing: Harry is no meanie. He is here and he will be here soon. Whether he went out for a breather or not, he's always here to support his lovers. Something that you," I looked at Nick and he was glaring at me. "Keep failing to do, and you," I look at Stan and I just shook my head. "You were just a whore who did anything for money. Be free to think whatever you want to think, but we are here for Zayn and nobody else."

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