8 (Part B)

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I woke up to the sound of Robin crying. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I sat up, and reached into the bassinet, feeling nothing. My eyes shot wide and I looked around the bassinet to see if he fell out or something. I didn't see him anywhere! I jumped up and jogged out of the room. "Baby! Where ar-" I stopped when I was at the bottom step and I looked around the room, seeing it all of the lights dimmed and I was shocked at the sight.

 "Baby! Where ar-" I stopped when I was at the bottom step and I looked around the room, seeing it all of the lights dimmed and I was shocked at the sight

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"Um...baby?" I called, but I just slowly walked to the little lit up table. There was a trail with it too. I followed the rose trail and it led me right into the kitchen. My eyes widened at the display, but I then smiled and shook my head fondly.

 My eyes widened at the display, but I then smiled and shook my head fondly

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I then looked up and saw a video playing. When I realised what the video was showing I started to tear up and I covered my mouth with the hand that had my engagement ring on it. I looked at it and I smiled at the sight of it. I walked back into the living room and that's when I saw them. My fiancés were standing there and each one were holding a flower. I smiled a little and walked up to them. "What's this all about?" I asked them as I was standing in front of Zayn. "You are allowed to kill me, but I'm...I heard you talk to your mum about possibly calling off the engagement," he tells me and I softened.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." "No, it's our fault. We always think about our careers. We should've thought about yours as well. We knew that you missed dancing, and we should've done all that we could so that you can go back to that," Louis said and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Always leaving to do our own business is not father or husband material. We should've been with you and Robin rather than be across the world," Liam then said.

"We need to be more present and be better than how we were if we want to be with you and have a bigger family with you," Niall stated. "We should be here, comforting you and showing how much we love you instead if ignoring your feelings and how things have been," Zayn then said. "I...i-" "We aren't finished yet love," Louis said.

"We planned all of this, but we were talking and discussed things with our manager and she is up for a little change." "What change?" "Remember when you and White Eskimo tagged with us on tour?" Niall asked and I started to get excited. "Yeah?" "Well our manager agreed and is allowing you and White Eskimo to be with us on t-" I jumped on Liam and pressed kisses to his lips.

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