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Gemma and I were at the park and we were watching Robin play with Clifford. The two of us were talking about the status of my relationship with my husbands. "He actually apologized Gems! Like he was the first to talk to me and the first thing he did was apologize!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face. "As he freaking should. It was either that, or I slap him. Don't think I wouldn't either," she replies and I just shook my head. I know that she would do something like that.

"Anyways, you should've seen the clothes that he got for the girls. There was one that is Harry Potter themed and it made me smile. Like I never seen those clothes before." "Have you guys talked about names?" "I have talked about it with Liam, Zayn, and Niall, but since I changed my mind on telling Louis at the baby shower last minute, I'm going to surprise him when the babies are born." "That's going to be really sweet. What are the names?" "The first to be born will be named Johanna Athena Tayne Malikan and the second will be Felicia Grace Tayne Malikan. Just to honor Louis's sister and mother." "Those are really cute names." "I know. Zayn came up with the middle names."

"Does Louis have any clue as to what the names will be?" "No. He would ask a few times, but I would just tell him that it's a surprise and that he's going to have to wait. I'm going to be giving birth in a week Gems! Isn't that exciting?" I asked and my sister smiled at me fondly. "It will certainly be exciting. I will no doubt that you will handle it well. You did so good with Robin." "That's one baby Gems. We are talking about handling three total babies. Two of them being twins." "Yeah, but knowing you, you'll be able to handle it. Hopefully when the time comes, your other husbands will move on and focus on this." "I hope so to."

The two of us sat in comfortable silence and I smiled as I was watching my son laugh and play. He's such a cutie!

"Do you want to walk for a bit?" Gemma asked me and I nodded. "Gotta have some kind of movement, right?" I started to get up, but as I stood, I felt a gush of water pour out and I looked down instantly. "Is everything okay Harry?" Gemma asked as she stood right next to me. "M-my water b-broke," I stuttered and her eyes widened. "Okay wow! I guess they want to make their debut a bit early. Let me get Robin and Cliff and we'll get to the hospital as soon as possible, okay? Do you want to go ahead and call the boys?" I nodded my head and took my phone out from my purse. I headed to Gemma's car and I started to dial up Louis's number.

He picked up on the first ring. I heard my other husbands laugh in the background and Louis chuckled before saying, "Hello sun. What's up?" "Um... My w-water b-broke," I said and took a few deep breaths. "Oh Jesus. Where are you?" "I'm with Gemma and she's taking me to the hospital. She's just getting Robin and Clifford," I tell him and I heard keys being jiggled. "Loves! Sun is going into labor! Get the hospital bag," Louis calls and I heard the door open. "Louis...too soon?" "No sweetie. It's normal for twins to be born a bit early. Your doctor was shocked that you didn't give birth earlier this month."

Gemma opened my side and I thanked her and got in. She then put Robin in his car seat. She closed both doors and opened the trunk for Clifford to climb in. After closing the trunk, she hurried and got in her seat. She started up the car and drove off the curb and went the fastest route to the hospital. "You're only a week early anyways. It shouldn't be a bad thing," Louis reassures and I nodded my head. "O-okay." "At least your contractions are far apart. Those girls aren't ready to be here just yet," Gemma says as she was speeding a bit to get to the hospital.

"We should be there in like 10 minutes Lou." "That's perfect. We are only 10 minutes away." "But... we live 20 minutes away from the hospital?" "I'm behind the wheel love," he says and that made perfect sense. It made me smile with how urgent they're being right now. "Everything is going to be okay babe. We'll be seeing our sweet girls in no time. Just be sure to take slow and deep breaths okay?" I heard Zayn on the other end and I smiled at his voice. "Just...talk to me," I tell him and di felt the tears coming in. "Told you they will break eventually," Gemma says with a knowing look on her face. "I missed hearing from you Z," I said. "I know you do and I am really sorry for keeping you out. This just made me realize that. You are giving birth to our twin girls after all." "Yeah. Thank you..." "The only one who deserve to hear those words is you darling."

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