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"How are you feeling baby? You are so close to seeing your newborn baby girls," My mom asked as we were in our twins nursery and I was a bit panicked at the reminder of that. "I'm a bit nervous, not gonna lie. Like I want everything to go out smoothly and I want the delivery to be perfect. Like what if something bad happens? What am I supposed to do then?" I asked andy mom smiled at me.

"Oh sweetie. I strongly believe that everything is going to be fine and you will have nothing to worry about. You are just going to have to be ready for it. That's all I can say. That day is all about their arrival and I can tell you right now that this job is much bigger than before. You are no longer going to be the mom of just one kid, but you're going to be a mom of three kids. Also a mother with twins." "Do you think it's going to be a bit easier?" "Well you have your doctor as well as myself on speed dial, then you also have those amazing husband's of yours right by your side, so I believe that it'll be a little less stressful for you."

I sighed and placed a hand on my 9 month baby bump. Of course it's much bigger than the one I had when I was pregnant with Robin and it's a lot more tiring to have around.

"Okay, why don't you take a seat and just tell me where you would like everything to be," my mom says and I looked at her, "But I don't want you to do all of the work." "Harry baby, you are none months pregnant with two sweet angels, and you are obviously getting tired with each step that you take, so don't worry about it. Go sit and just tell me what goes where," she tells me again and I know better than to argue with my mother. I walked to the rocking chair that in the corner of the room and my mom started taking out the decorations.

"I want that to be over their beds. What do you think?" I asked and my mom looks at it. She then looks at me and smiles, nodding her head. "I think that'll look really cute," she tells me and I was about to get up and help her put it up, but she then gives me a warning glare, making me sit back down. "I'm not crazy old Harry. I can climb up a little stepping stool to hang something," she reminds me and I laughed a little. "Okay, I'll stay seated then."

I tell her where I want certain things and she happily complied, reminding me each time that I had a rather amazing taste in interior design. I keep telling her that I was just thinking of my babies and I thought of things that will make them feel at peace. I also made sure that it made me feel at peace. It looked rather casual, but also really sweet. Something that was a bit down to earth.

When my mom was done, I smiled at the sight of the finished nursery

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When my mom was done, I smiled at the sight of the finished nursery. My mom walked ove and took the seat that was next to me and she looked at the room with me. "It looks so good sweetie," she tells me and I look at her. "Thanks, and thank you for helping me out with this. You know I would've done it if these two weren't putting so much weight on my feet." "I know, but I think I would've done the same thing if you were just expecting one baby. That, or I would've asked one of your precious husbands to help me." My smile dimmed a little, but I let her words go unphazed.

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