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I walked out of my house and smiled at the sight of the big balloons and the big bounce house that is for Robin's birthday. The music was blasting outside, but not too high to disturb the twins. It was perfect! Gemma and my mother wanted to surprise me with the outcome, and to say that I'm surprised would be an understatement. I looked at the buffett and my dance group who were chatting about whatever there was to chat about.

Today is absolutely perfect! I exclaimed in my head. I turn and see Liam walking over to where I was with Robin in his arms. "There's my sweet birthday boy," I said with a gleaming smile and I made grabby at him. "Momma!" Robin cheered and leaned for me. I took him out of Liam's arms and I rested him on his hip. "You look lovely in your little outfit bubby," I cooed and kissed my son on the cheek. "How are the girls?" I asked Liam and he nodded his head, "They're good love. Louis just put them down for their nap. Expect them to wake up in an hour though,"

"Your aunt Gems is taking you out tomorrow to go shopping for more clothes." "More mommy?" "Yes, more. You are growing out of your old clothes pretty fast," I reminded him and we walked to the buffet. I picked up a little jar of yogurt and I picked up a spoon. I opened the jar and I started to feed my son. He didn't make much of a mess like he usually does, and that is something that I actually expected to happen. It made me tear up a little, but no one really noticed.

"My baby is growing up way too fast," I said, letting a few tears fall. Robin was staring off, but eventually, he looked at me again and he tilted his head at me. "Momma no cry," he says and leans his head on my shoulder. Which made me want to cry more. Postpartum is still kicking, so me being emotional at this time isn't really a surprise. Even if I tell the boys that I'm okay, they know better than to leave me alone. If they really have to get to some meetings or whatever, they always send me these little

An arm snaked around my waist and I jumped only a little bit, but I immediately relaxed when I turned my head and saw one of my husband's right behind me. "Are you okay baby? Don't lie either," Zayn asked and I smiled. "Just postpartum kicking my but. Do you think Robin is growing too fast? Like I feel like Tim's should be slowing down a bit more. Is this normal? Is it really his birthday?"

Zayn chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Yes babe. Today is Robin's second birthday. Time does go pretty fast when you've carried and focused on your pregnancy for 9 months." "But it's not fair. He's one step closer to being a grown up..." "Babe. He still has 14 more years ahead of him. We still have some time to watch over his young years." I sighed and nodded my head slowly. "It's not like these three are going to be our only ones, right?" He asked and I looked at him. "Zayn, after I do my surprise, then you better get me pregnant as soon as we get home. If you don't, then I will be the one who pulls the silent treatment on your butt," I tell him and he raised an eyebrow. "What? I've said this before? Don't act all surprised now. Just be ready to nail me once we step into our house."

"I think I am just really surprised that you are just so blunt about this with Robin on your hip," he tells me and I looked at my son. "He's not going to remember this conversation anyways, so I think we'll be good when it comes to our boy's innocence," I tell him and that made my husband laugh.

You know...that word still makes me smile so big. Husband. Like I'm married to four sexy and wonderful men. They wanted to marry me and they wanted this with me. Everyone has the dream of being married and having kids, and I'm so happy to have this going for me.

"Babe? Your crying again. What's wrong?" Zayn asked and held me closer to him. "I'm married." "What?" "I'm married. I'm married and I have kids to the men I wanted." He smiled and kissed the side of my head. "And I'm really happy to be one of those men. I love you bubs." "I love you too Z." "Wuv mommy!" Robin chirped and I giggled. "I love you too baby. Very much. Happy birthday my little bug," I spoke with a brightened smile and I kissed his cheek a few times till we got back to the party.

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