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I sat at my desk with Robin in crib in the room right next to mine. I was scrolling through venues for my wedding until I received a phone call from my doctor. "Must be calling me about the update on my c-section," I said to myself and answered the call.

"Hello?" "Hello Mr. Styles, it's Dr. Davidson. I'm calling you to talk about your scar?" "Yes, the scar no longer shows the stitch marks, it's just the line." "Well I am happy to let you know that it is safe for you to dance and work out again."

"Really?!" I asked as I stood up with a bright smile on my face. I heard him chuckle. "Yes Mr. Styles, you are granted permission to do your favorite thing," he told me and I cheered a little. "Ph my god, thank you so mu-" the sound of my baby crying filled the room and I looked at the baby monitor.

"Well, the baby is crying. I have to go." "Of course Mr. Styles. Can't wait to see you on that stage again," he said and I thanked him and said my goodbye before hanging up and walking to the room that was next to my office. Which was the room that the boys and I sleep in.

I walked to Robin's bassinet and I picked him up. "Shhh, it's okay. Mama's here baby," I said, bouncing around and rubbing his back. I sat on the bed and I unbuttoned myntop and took it off slowly with Robin still in my arms. I then held Robin close to my chest and he instinctively started to suck at my nipple. It took a few sucks until he was actually drinking milk. "There you go love. Drink as much as you need," I told him and hummed a song as he was still sucking.

After about 10 minutes, he was done, so I began to burp him. I patted his back and walked around the room with his head on my shoulder. I continued to pat his back until I heard a few burps leave his lips. I sniffed him a few times, and he didn't need a diaper change, so I walked him to the living room. We made an opened area so that the baby could have tummy time. I went on my phone and I recorded my small bundle if joy on the floor on his belly.

I laid down right next to him and he was looking at me. "Hey buddy. It's momma. Wanna show you papa's what you can do?" He opened his mouth and I giggled. "Yeah? You do?" I asked as I turned on the tv and went to web. I didn't go far as the information on our 4 month old was on the screen.

"Your 4 months baby. 8 more and you will be 1 years old. Time flies huh?" He cooed and I smiled at the sight. "Well the WebMD says that your 4-month-old is growing more and more alert by the day. Babies at this age love to express themselves through smiles, laughs, gurgles, and coos." I looked at Robin and he was smiling at me. "Look at him smiling at his mama. He's also a laughing bug. I think he got that from Niall," I told them as I was watching him look around, then at me again.

I placed my phone on a little holder that we had and I had the phone pointing at me. I sat up, and that only made Robin reach for me. I smiled at him and picked him up. "By month four, your baby's weight will likely have doubled from birth. If you're concerned that your child isn't eating well or isn't gaining enough weight, talk to your pediatrician." I read from the screen and I looked at my son. "He's been doing well, and he is a eater, I can tell already," I said and kissed Robin on his forehead.

He smiled and laughed and I smiled bigger. "Yeah? Wanna tell everyone that you love mama's kisses?" He just laughed again and I weighed fondly. "Your baby is becoming more dexterous and doing more with their hands. Their hands now work together to move a toy or shake a rattle. In fact, those hands will grab for just about anything within reach, including a stuffed animal, your hair, and any colorful or shiny object hanging nearby. You might want to remove any earrings or necklaces if you don't want to experience a painful tug.

Anything your baby is able to pick up will likely end up in their mouth -- tasting is one of the ways they explores their world. It's crucial that you don't leave small items lying around that baby could choke on. Anything that can fit inside a toilet paper tube is too small to be within finger's reach of your 4-month-old.

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