10 (Short)

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"Are you ready to show off your swag in two months Rob?" Zayn asked his son who was playing with his stuffed bear. "Yeah yeah!" He cheered as he clapped his hands with his bear in his right hand. "Yeah, and so are we buddy," he said before he leaned over and kissed the top of his almost 1 year old sons head.

"So I have been thinking that I teach you guys how to dance for the reception party," Harry said as he walked into the room with a pastel pink binder. "Huh?" "We just think that it would be better if the five of you dance together rather than having like 25 moments to dance separately," our wedding planner said as the two sat on the sofa.

Harry did hire a wedding planner so that he wouldn't have to stress so much on the important day to come in 2 months. The two have worked so hard to make the day as special as possible and all the boys did was find the most perfect venue that would make their soon-to-be husband very happy. It was going to be outside, but they did have a backup plan for if it rains.

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Zayn picks Robin up and moved to sit next to his fiancé

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Zayn picks Robin up and moved to sit next to his fiancé. Harry looked at his son and smiles when he sees his baby staring at the binder in some sort of amazement. "Yeah, so we just thought that you 4 could pick out a perfect song for us to dance to together. It can be a slow one too," Harry said and looked at Zayn again. "Are you sure that you are going to be able to do a slow one though?" Zayn asked his lover and Harry nodded. "If I was able to mix four into one, then I can surely do the five of us," Harry points out with a proud smile.

"You are so cute babe," Zayn said before leaning and pressing a lingering kiss on Harry's lips. "And your so hot," Harry replied, making Zayn chuckle a bit. The couple looked for romantic songs that could be their song at their wedding. As they were doing that, Louis, Liam, and Niall walked into the room via the front door. When they saw their lovers and son, they just decided to jump into whatever was going on. Harry looked up at his fiancés, and he immediately smiled at them. Niall picked Robin up from Zayn's lap and joined the two that were sitting on the couch.

"What's going on my lovelies?" Niall then asked. "Harry wants us to look for a good slow and romantic song that will be played at our wedding. He wants us to dance together rather than having do many moments like 25 dances alone," Zayn replied and the three boys hummed. "That will surely be interesting," Louis stated and Harry agreed with him.

The five for them and their wedding planner sat there for the next 15 minutes to talk about what song they could do.

When they were done, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Robin were left in the living room while Harry and the planner went out to go pick up the cake testers. "Alright let's get the reception location set," Niall said and the other three nodded before Zayn opened up his laptop to look up different reception venues. The other boys looked over Zayn's shoulder and they were picking out the best venues for a wedding reception event.

"I think this is the one," Zayn says and the boys smile at how beautiful the reception setting looked.

"I think this is the one," Zayn says and the boys smile at how beautiful the reception setting looked

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"Extravagant, Harry will be so surprised by this," Louis says and they agreed. Zayn then went through the process of booking their wedding reception at this specific location. What they added to it was a table for 5 people, and another table for 4. The one with the 5 was for the 5 of them (obviously), and the one with the 4 was for any late family member (Harry's late stepdad, Robin. Louis's late mother and sister Johanna and Félicité. Zayn's late grandmother Jean). It was a way to remind them of how far they've come and that their lives ones are always watching over them with pride and love.

When that was done, they called for the wedding planner and the wedding planner only. She walks back into the room, and the boys showed her what they have planned for the wedding and she was really impressed. "You found this when?" She asked and the boys told her that it didn't take that long and they're already going through the booking at the location. "Is this another secret that you wish for your fiancé to not know?" She asked and the boys nodded their heads. The planner hummed and promised to keep this a secret from their beloved. They really wanted to surprise him when the day is there. Hopefully Harry loves it and they hope that everything that Harry wishes comes true.

"That night is surely going to be a night to remember," Niall said when the boys were done with their inner planning. "I know right!? It's going to be so freaking lovely," Harry said dreamily as he walked into the room. The boys turned before they smiled at their very happy fiancé.

"Are you sure that you want to put your career on hold?" Liam asked and Harry smiled. "Thanks for thinking about it, but I'm sure. Robin was just a reassurance, you know? He made me sure that I can always get back to the way that I was. Besides, he wasn't planned or anything. A pleasant surprise actually. This is always something that I had in mind though. Have my first child, make a comeback, find a time to officially settle down and have more kids, then make a comeback whenever I can. You have to promise me one thing though."

"Anything," Louis said, even though he already knew what he was going to have to promise. "Please promise that you'll be there as much as you can. Also, if we can, then bring me with you. It just sucked being alone," Harry tells them before sitting next to Niall. "We promise," Niall said. "Pinky promise? That way you can't break it," Harry says cutely and that just made his lovers coo fondly.

Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis took turns linking pinkies with their beloved. Robin was Ted to feel included and Harry awed at that before he moved his pinky close to their baby. Robing grabbed Harry's pinky and that made Harry wanted to cry so much. "This is why I want to have more babies," Harry said with a bright smile.

Which will for sure happen~
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