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"Mommy! When sibing get here?" Robin asked and Harry looked up from his phone to see Robin standing in front of him. Harry smiled, put his phone to the side and picked Robin up, placing him in his lap. Robin places his hand gently on Harry's 2 month pregnant belly and Harry smiled bigger at the feeling. Their first born will always be the affectionate type.

"Well, mommy is expecting only one baby this time around, so I should be giving you your little brother or sister in about 7 more months. Now you can't be impatient with this, okay? He is she can take his or her own time, yeah?" Harry asked and Robin knew that his momma was right. "Dey be here on own time!" "That is correct baby. Now while we are waiting on him or her, we are going to absurd as much time as we can being your parents. Being parents of three needs some time to get used to before baby number 4 gets here," Harry pints out and pokes at his son's belly, making Robin giggle. "When will sista wake up?" "They are both expected to wake up in only 30 minutes, yeah?" "Okey mommy! Play dem when wake!" "That you may, but be safe with them okay? They are only almost 6 months old." "Okey mommy!"

"And we are back!" Liam announced as he was opening the front door. Harry turned his head and smiled at the sight of his husband's walking in. "Daddy!" Robin greeted excitedly. "Rob!" Niall exclaimed back and walked over to the two. He picked Robin up and placed him on his lap. "We just got back from Lottie's. She's really in depth with the planning of the baby shower already," Louis said as he sat next to Harry. "She does know that the shower isn't going to happen for another 4 months? I'm only at 2 months," Harry wonders and Louis nods his head.

"You know how she is. She likes to plan ahead for things. She's kind of like you in that way. How are the twins?" "They have been mostly good. They are going to be up in about 30 minutes, so be ready to feed them when they wake up." They nodded and Niall sits in the recliner, having Robin be in his lap.

The Tayne Malikan household were expecting another baby to join their family and they are really excited for their arrival to come around, but right now (as you can probably tell) they are adapting to being parents of only three right now. Of course, they are still doing the checkups that Harry needs to have, but they are getting used to the feeling of being parents to three before the baby's arrival. Harry did announce his pregnancy to the whole world, but he's a bit more open about it than he was when he was expecting his twins.

They have discussed when the baby making will end and Harry told them that after baby number 7 or 8, then they will officially be done with it and they agreed with that. After baby number 4 arrives, Harry wants to take a two year long break before they plan for baby number 5 and 6. Which they understood this time. They have learned to be more considerate with how Harry is feeling and they never showed any negativity with any choice that Harry makes. Which made Harry really happy.

This is a Fresh New World for the five of them, and they're really happy to take it over. Together.

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