30 (Short)

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The award show was about to be over and the boys were about to get ready to go, but they had to wait till this last performance was done. Miley wasn't up there to announce it, so they were looking around, wondering what was going on. Niall asked around and he told his lovers that this performance was to have no announcement, so the boys just waited to see what was going to happen. "This thing better happen soon, Robin's bedtime is coming up in like...15 minutes," Zayn says and the others nodded their heads.

The lights cut out and a song started to play.

Liam's song.

The boys were confused, but the spotlights came on at each lyric, showing off the people who made up their husband's dance group The White Eskimos. They slowly came to the realization as to what was going on and when the lyric 'Can't believe I found my sunshine' came on, they smiled big at the sight of their husband on the stage. "Oh my gosh!" They each exclaimed and cheered for their lover. Robin was excited to see his mommy on the stage. This was the surprise that Harry was talking about and he was right. They were definitely loving this. They always love seeing Harry on that stage, doing what he loves doing.

They cheered for Harry and cheered a bit louder whenever Harry would do his special flips and turns

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They cheered for Harry and cheered a bit louder whenever Harry would do his special flips and turns. It still surprises them that he has these moves after having two kids! They see that as inspiration and they admire that about Harry.

Now as Harry was dancing, so was Robin. Zayn eventually placed their son on the ground, but they didn't expect their kid to run towards the stage. Before they got up to get him, they see Harry raise a hand and when the little swoop in the song came up, Harry swiftly picked Robin up and placed him on the stage. Robin wasn't even paying attention to the lights or the people. He was just staring at his momma, admiring him while dancing. Harry and the group just adapted and danced with Robin, making it safe for the little boy.

When the song came to an end, Harry picked Robin up again, spun around and kissed his son on the cheek when the song was completely over. Robin smiled at his momma and kissed Harry on the cheek right back. The audience cheered and cooed at the same time. Harry looked at his husband's and he was happy to see them on their feet, clapping their hands and cheering for their husband. Harry and Robin both waved at everyone and Miley came back up to talk to Harry about his surprise performance. The two of them hugged and she kissed Robin on his cheek and Robin just smiled bigger.

"Harry, it's so great to see you! Great job too," she says and Harry thanked her. "Now of course I'm assuming that this isn't an official comeback?" She asked and Harry shook his head. She offered the mic to him. He thanked her again and smiled at everyone that was smiling at him. "This isn't official. It's just a little surprise that I've been planning for a little while." Harry looked at his husband's and they were still smiling. Those smiles never left their faces this entire time. "It was a thank you for my loving husband's. Ever since I met them, I have never been so happy. I was very depressed before I met them. I would only be happy whenever I'm on this stage. That's because of the rather toxic relationship that I was in before I met them. However, they always made sure that my happiness never ended. They have given me the greatest babies that I have ever met and even though we plan on making more, I'm very blessed to have the ones that I already have.

Louis always taught me to always be unapologetically myself and to have fun. Niall taught me that being different is okay and to laugh or smile no matter what happens. Liam taught me to never give up on anything. Then there is Zayn who taught me to face my fears. I would tell them how scared I would be if I were to come back after having our kids, but they are always motivating me to just do it. To have no care in the world. I remember Niall telling me that if I'm happy doing what I am doing, then no one can tell me that I'm unsuccessful. I always take their words to heart. Because they truly mean what they say.

Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being the best friends that I could ever ask for. I'm truly honored to have you guys as my lovers, the fathers of my kids, and my forever love. I can't wait to have more of these angels with you, but I wanted to take the time out to show appreciation for all that you have done for me. I know that I carry your babies, but without you guys, then this wouldn't be possible. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see what happens to us next," Harry says and the boys felt every emotion in his speech.

They stood up again and Louis led the way up the stage. Emma took Robin from Harry as everyone watched Louis cup Harry's face when he got in arms reach, pressing their lips together. Harry smiled while they kissed and when they pulled away, Louis hugged him. "I love you so much more, beautiful. Thank you. For absolutely everything. My god you always amaze me," he whispered into Harry's ear and Harry hugged him back a bit tighter. "You are so going to get pregnant once we get home," Louis then said and Harry laughed. They fully pull away and Harry went to Niall next. "You did so amazing love. You keep giving me all of these reasons to love you, and my love for you will always get stronger each day that I'm with you," Niall confessed and that warmed Harry's heart. The two kissed and it was a bit long.

After the love was showered upon Harry, Harry then pointed out, "I still miss this stage though, so a comeback is still int he books!" His husband's laughed and took their son from Emma once it was time to get off the stage.

Now Louis wasn't wrong about the activities they planned on doing once they get back home. The baby making was back on like Harry promised it would be. Harry just wanted to show a little appreciation to his lovers.

To which they have definitely received.


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