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So today is the day... The boys and I have decided to venture off into our own little singing careers. Ever since we've decided to do that, I've been really focused on the release of my first album. Now of course, I wasn't in the studio 24/7, because I still have a family and that is always going to be my top priority. I just make sure to spend about 5 hours in the studio every other day. With this much dedication, I was able to finish my very first album!

With this being such a success, I'm throwing a listening party. I invited all of the family members and I also invited a good handful of friends to listen to the new music. My husband's have been showing nothing but support and love for me. Harry is the most excited to hear about it though. It's not jealousy necessarily. The others have been working on their careers too and with Harry being away from the stage, getting pregnant, he doesn't have a lot on his mind.

"What do you think I should wear? This? Or this?" Harry asked me as I was sitting in our bedroom. I looked at him, chuckled, and tilted my head to the side. "Babe, we aren't going anywhere special. We are just going to the theatre room downstairs. You don't have to get too dressed up." "But it's your special night. You are officially stepping out to do your own thing, AND this is your first album! Of course I have to dress up! I did the same thing when Liam released a song for a movie."

"Yeah, but this is goi-" "going to be something big and special. If I'm going to be supporting my husband's, then I'm going to look good while doing so. Now, pick!" He pouts and gestures to the outfits again. "Fine... The right one is better," I tell him truthfully and he smiled at that. "Thanks! Hopefully it still fits. I wore this when I was only 3 and 1/2 months. With me hitting 7 months soon, I've gotten a bit bigger, yeah?" "I'm not going to agree with that." "Z, we've been over this. I'm not going to throw a fit if you say yes." "Yeah, but it might trigger your insecurities, so I'm not saying anything about your size." "I guess that's fair," Harry says, rolling his eyes and going into the closet.


"Alright! I say that it fits well! I didn't know that this was expandable?" "Yeah, we made sure of that when we first got that for you," I said and I admired my husband and how cute he looked.

"Well aren't you a keeper?" Harry teased and smiled, showing his cute dimples. I smiled back and kissed the top of his head. He smiled and sat next to me. "Are they treating you well?" I asked, placing a hand on his baby bump. He covered my hand with his own and he nodded his head. "Yeah, I may have to pee a lot during this party, but that's alright. I al- Ooh!" Harry moved my hand quickly to where the kicks were happening and I chuckled. "They are always moving Z. It feels so nice and funny at the same time."

"The journey of pregnancy is an amazing one baby. Of course I haven't experienced it myself, but now I can say that I was involved in the making of some," I tell him with a smile on my face. Harry giggled and leaned over, kissing me softly on the lips. I kissed back and this moment is one of the many moments that I will hold on forever.

I'm raising a whole family with the people that I love and the thought of this only being the start of the process is making me more and more happy. To think that a handful of years ago, I was actually pretty depressed with how my life was and it's insane to see how quickly that changed.

We pulled away and I kissed Harry on the nose, making him scrunch his nose. It looked so cute and I chuckled at the sight. "You are so adorable," I tell him, kissing him on his forehead. He giggled again and we both shared another soft and sweet kiss. When we pulled away this time, I stood up and offered him his hand. "Are you ready babe?" "That's a question that's more for you than me," he tells me and I sighed. "I guess you're right about that... If I were to be honest with you... I'm a little nervous. What are you guys going to think?" "Well I don't know how the others will feel, but what I do know is that you'll be amazing. You are a very talented man Z. You always seem to forget that."

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