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I walked up to the front door and I took out my house keys. I unlocked the door and I brought my bags in. Zayn was the first to see me and he greeted me by kissing me. I smiled at him when we pulled apart. I saw Niall coming down with Robin on his hip. "Tommo!" He greeted and he walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. Robin giggled and reached over to me. "Hey baby," I said and picked Robin up from Niall's arm. Robin then gave me a little kiss on my cheek and I cooed at him.

"I missed you too little one," I said with a smile on my face. "Were you good for your mommy and daddy's while I was gone?" I then asked and Robin bobbed his head. He probably didn't get what I was saying, but I was still cooing at him. The fact that we can make such cute babies is a total plus.

"Does Harry know that I'm back?" I asked Zayn and he nodded his head. "He kind of figured that with your FaceTime with Liam. He's in the kitchen last time I've checked. Liam is putting Robin's car seat in his car. We'll be heading out now, so text us once everything is okay with the two of you, yeah?" I nodded and he gave one goodbye kiss and Niall was right after him. Niall took Robin from me and the three were out of the house.

I locked the door, took a deep breath, and turned to face the kitchen. I started walking to the door and I just pushed it open to see Harry making something. I don't know what it was, but I just took a seat at the island.

"Hello love," I greeted and Harry did stop whatever he was doing. He looked over at me and I gave him a loving smile. He put the bowl down and walked over to me. I didn't know if he was just going to talk to me or stare at me, so I didn't say anything else. He got close to my face and I soon felt his lips on mine. I smiled and let out a little chuckle, kissing him back. He put his hands on my shoulders and mine were resting on his hips.

When he pulled away, he gave me another peck and said, "Welcome home Lou." "Glad to be home. Do you want to talk?" "Yeah..." I stood up and I picked up my pregnant husband and I sat him on the island counter. I stood in between his legs while he had his arms around my neck. I caressed his upper thighs as we were just looking into each other's eyes.

"It's not what it looked like at all. I don't know what Vincent was doing over there, but he came by, probably knowing that I was going to be there. I was upset- no, I was outraged when I saw him there. The only reason why I seemed so friendly to him is because if I were to kick his ass, the headlines would probably cause a lot of stress for you. I didn't want you to try to defend me over something that isn't true." "I wouldn't mind a hit or two..." "I would've loved to, but I really did hate the fact that he was there."

"What about the picture of the two of you talking alone?" "Well, he tried to get into my head the entire night and again, I had to look nice for the cameras due to my position in the public eye. He talked shit about you and of course I defended that and warned him to be careful on. Then he brought up Robin and that's when we were caught "talking" alone. I was threatening him, baby. It worked pretty well though, because smiling while threatening someone is a lot scarier than you think."

"You really didn't like him being there..." "I hated him being there. I hated seeing him on this trip entirely. I don't know who invited him, but the fucker showed up and fucked with us." "It really was not what I thought..." "No honey. There is no day where I would even consider talking to that dick again." "Oh..." "So...are we okay?" "I'm sorry...I guess it was just my insecurities taking over...I shouldn't have believed the pap photos. I really should've listened to you. I'm sorry for making you upset..." "It's okay, sun." "It's not...I didn't want to listen to you and I didn't bother taking into thought as to how you feel about that guy."

I lifted my hand and I caressed his cheek and he leaned into it. "It's okay baby. You just have these insecurities and even though I don't know why you have them because you are so freaking beautiful, it happens. You are my husband and I love you so much. There will never be a time where I would think differently. Nothing is going to change my mind and nothing can ever take me from you." "Really?" I just smiled and nodded my head. Harry smiles back and we rested our foreheads together.

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