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I drove up to Lottie's house and I parked my car in her driveway. I honked a couple of times and I waited for about a minute until I saw her walking out. I got out and walked to the passenger side door. She smiled as I opened the door for her. "Always treating women like queens, yeah?" "That was how I was taught, so what else was I going to do?" I asked her and she shook her head, getting in my car. I closed the door once I saw that she was all settled in. I walked to other side and I got in.

Lottie wanted to spend the day with me today and with the amount of tension that was in the house, I had to accept. It was suffocating and Harry was just finding every other reason to leave, so I decided to do the same.

"Where are we headed to first,?" I asked her as I was backing out of her driveway. "I need to look for a gift." "Is there a birthday coming up?" "No, but the birth of your newborn child is right around the corner. I e been looking at a lot of stuffed animals and there are definitely a few ideas that are coming to mind," she says and I smiled at her. "You know Harry is definitely not going to get rid of the stuffed animals that y'all give to our child, right?" "I hope you don't. A lot of effort and feelings are put into them." "I know you do and I wouldn't throw them away either," I reassured her and she hummed.

I pull into the parking lot of a mall and Lottie is the first to get out. We walk in and there were a few fans at the front and we did take a few pictures with them. I even answered a few questions for them that regards toy husbands and unborn girls. My answers definitely made them really excited. Especially when I told them that Harry was due to give birth at any moment. I even told them that we are trying to be there for him when that time does come and that's why we are really taking a break from the music industry. Just so that we can give Harry our full attention.

When I was done, we walked into the mall and we were met with a clothing store instantly. Lottie smiled and dragged me in. Even though I was going to go in willingly, I pretended to dread it. Which had her play along.

"Hey, I have a question for you," Lottie says and I looked up from the jean jackets and I nodded at her. "Do you know why Harry is taking a break from the baby making?" "No. All that he'll tell us is that it's a surprise and it's getting annoying at this point. He's making every little excuse so that he can leave the house and that is kind of why I'm here with you right now. The tension inside of the house is just getting too heavy." "Really? I didn't think that this would be a big deal for you?" "What made you think that?"

"Well... wasn't it you guys that told him that if he ever wants to stop, then you'll respect his decision no matter what? I mean, he's not even stopping for good. I know Harry and I know that he wants more than three kids, but if he wants to take a break, then he should have every right to do so." "But...this is only our first kids since wev-" "It doesn't matter Louis. It's his body. It's his choice."

"Lottie, you don't understand. We have always wanted to have a big family and this break was going to give us that." "Yeah, but he wants a break. He's pregnant with twins Louis. He needs a break anyways. Try being pregnant with twins for 9 whole months. I haven't been through that, but mom has. She talks about it so much, remember? Her back pain and the level of being uncomfortable is unreachable. Plus, he's still going to be tired as shit after the twins are here. C-section or no. You have to respect his decision Louis. He isn't telling you guys that the baby making a is going to be stopping for good. I mean damn Louis, what kind of husband does that? Treats his pregnant husband like he's in the wrong when that's the one who's carrying your damn babies. If you were going to treat him like this, then I would've told Harry to adopt. Save his uterus for another guy."

"Wow..." "Wow what? You are opening the door for me, but you are shutting the door on your pregnant husband. Just because he wants to take a little break. To go through with his surprise FOR YOU! He's doing more for you and you are upset with him? What kind of backwards shit is that? He's carrying your babies for one, and to be honest, that's the only thing that makes him so great. Especially for you. You have someone who's giving you the life that you wanted. To be married, happy, and with kids of your own. However, he tells you that he wanted to pause on making babies so that he can surprise you and you are mad at him? He's doing something for you, be fucking grateful!

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