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"One Direction baby with dancer Harry Styles FAKE?!?"

"Fans of One Direction think that the band's 'newborn' is fake. Here's why..."

"Reasons as to why people think that Robin is not really One Direction's baby."

"'Robin is just not theirs' fans speak about One Direction's baby with Harry Styles"

"'Poor baby' fans say as they believe that One Direction and Harry Styles faked the pregnancy and birth of Robin."

I was in tears as I was reading the headlines, and the boys weren't around. They had an interview to get to, so I was home alone with our 3 month old baby. I went to Instagram and went to 'Add to Your Story'. I did the timer and when it was time to go, I just let out some air. "Can...can people stop saying that my baby is not real? I...I thought so many people would like this you know? Like...you guys screamed and cheered when i told you about my pregnancy..." I wiped my eyes from the tears and I was shaking.

"I'm shaking...I'm just so sad and hurt...because I am looking at Robin right now..." I flipped the camera and showed Robin in his little bouncer, sleeping. "He...he's 3 months...he doesn't know who is who yet.. like...like he's aware that I'm his momma, but babies don't even know their fathers yet, and...and he can't defend himself," I flipped the camera, but I accidentally dropped my phone. I picked it up and wiped my eyes again.

"Seeing people calling my baby fake...it hurts...it hurts me so badly, and I'm trying to calm down, but I can't. I see my baby...and he's my baby. He's real and he's not somebody else's...I would never tell a lie like that. I...I would never fake a pregnancy...I would never tell a story of Robin's birth if it wasn't true. If he wasn't real, then I wouldn't have stepped away from my career. If...if he wasn't real, then this scar would not be here," I raised my top and lowered the camera to show them where my C-section was.

I looked at the TV and saw my fiancés aalking out to start their interview. "I get why...I...I can...god this hurts..." I said and choked on a sob. I was shaking so bad. I just stopped the stories and posted them before sobbing. 5 minutes later, James started to talk.

"Hello boys, how are you doing?" James asked. "Bloody amazing. I walked into our room after eating breakfast and saw Harry giving Robin his bottle. It just makes me realize that we really did make it," I heard Zayn say and I looked up with a weak smile. "Now I would like to address the drama at hand. Fans are saying all over the world that Robin is no-" "He is." Louis said flatly. "Well...this is actually making headlines, and as far as I know, your fiancé recently responded to it. He seems pretty upset and shooken up by it," James said and in the back, my story was playing and it made me want to cry again.

I saw my fiancés and they looked worried. Niall got up and walked to the back and I was soon getting a phone call from him. I answered and held back a sob. "Niall...you can't just get up and leave...leave because of me," I said and tried to make the mood a little positive. "Well I just did. You matter more than a stupid interview. You don't have to listen to those people love. They don't know anything," Niall told me.

I released the tears and let out a sob before saying. "I tried Ni...trust me I did. When there were comments about it, I just moved on. This is going on platforms Niall and that hurts more than anything. Robin is...robin is 3 months! Just 3!" Robin woke up and started to cry. I got up and held the phone with my shoulder. I picked him up and bounced him. "Shh...shh, I'm sorry baby," I shushed Robin and bounced him around.

"I know baby and we will address the problem right now. You just need to stay off of the internet and stay away from social media for a bit, okay? Be happy. Robin is very real and he's in your arms right now. He is our baby and no matter what they say, we will prove that he is and will forever be ours." "Really?" "Yes baby. We love you and we love that little soldier of ours. We will be home in a couple of hours. Would you like anything?" "Maybe cake...ice cream would be nice too.." I heard him chuckle and I may have smiled because of it. "Hey Ni?" "Yes baby?" "Is it okay if I do post things?" "Yeah. Just turn off the comments and turn off DM's." "Okay..."

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