Chapter 51

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Draco had explained everything to me. About the vanishing cabinet , the room of requirement , his task , his plan. He explained to me how Snape was helping him , and addressed the whole situation about Katie Belle and Slughorn's party to me.

According to Draco , both Blaise and I were the only friends of him that knew. Blaise was practically Draco's best friend , so I should have known Draco would tell Blaise too.

Weeks had past and Dumbledore's death grew closer and closer. It became a main priority to Draco.

Most nights , Draco would cry to me on and on about how he didn't want to do it. I tried to assure him that it would be okay , but at the same time I was convincing myself the same.

Death eaters were to invade the castle , Dumbledore would be gone , and Hogwarts would never go back to normal.

As I crept down to the common room once again , I decided to go further. I wanted a break from coming down here constantly. The last few nights , coming down here to read hadn't been helping like it usually did.

I crept over to the common room's door as I hesitated in front of it. I debated if it would be a good idea for me to leave the common room.

I didn't want to get caught , but then again Draco had managed to sneak around past curfew countless times over the past few months.

I decided to go for it , as I tip toed out into the corridors , exiting the dungeons. It was cold. The breeze out in the corridors , blew past me as I clutched my arm shivering slightly.

I decided to walk up to the astronomy tower. I wanted to think , and the astronomy tower had never failed to comfort me.

I walked slowly up the spiral steps. I processed thoughts through my head , but before I could continue any further , a cold hand grabbed me aggressively pulling me away. I slapped the hand off my arm , looking up to see who had grabbed me. It was Harry.

"Harry-" I started before stopping as Harry threw his hand over my mouth.

"You have to be quite," Harry whispered motioning his head upwards. I looked up to where Harry had motioned me to look, to see Draco. Draco was pointing his wand to Dumbledore who stood calmly in front of him.

I softly took my hand onto Harry's placing his hand off my mouth , as I looked confused at what was happening. Suddenly , I remembered Draco's task. How could I forget?

"Good evening Draco," Dumbledore spoke ,calmly but at the same time confused. "What brings you here, on this fine Spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" Draco spat coldly as he continued to aim his wand to Dumbledore. "I heard you talking."

Harry and I walked closer to the scene , still hiding under the stairs.

"I found talking out loud to myself , has been extraordinary useful," Dumbledore answered calmly. "Have you always been whispering to yourself Draco?"

Draco slowly came closer to Dumbledore , still pointing his wand directly to him. I looked away , I didn't want to see what was going to happen. Harry looked over at me concerned before taking my hand as he continued to walk closer to the scene.

I never knew why Draco had come to hate Harry so much. Harry was always so nice to me and had always been a good friend to me , I felt bad for him knowing what was about it happen.

"Draco," Dumbledore started. "You are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?" Draco hissed. "I've done things that would shock you."

"Like cursing Katie Belle and hoping that in return she bring a cursed necklace to me?" Dumbledore asked Draco , still speaking calmly. "Like replacing a bottle of mead with with one laced with poison to give me to drink? I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak , that your heart can't really-."

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