Chapter 34

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Word was it , that Dumbledore was on the run. He had spotted himself a place in Askaban and had taken a run for it. It was older news to everybody but brand new , news to me.

I had shielded myself away from talking to others for the past few days. I needed time to collect my thoughts over the fact on how i'm becoming too attached to this whole shifting experience and since then i've missed a lot.

Since Dumbledore's Army was caught , according to Harry Dumbledore had taken full blame for the entire incident and was supposedly , intentionally supposed to be sent to Askaban. Since then , Dumbledore had been on the run and hasn't been caught yet.

To add even more bad news on , Umrbidge is continuing to by psychotic. She's added more and more rules everyday. It's horrible what she's doing.

I stood with Harry , Hermione, Ron , and Sarah in front of a walls corridor. As usual we watched yet again , another rule get bolted up into the wall.

We walked up to where the board had been placed. It was high up considering there were numerous other rule boards placed on the wall.

"Rule number 119," I started. "Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts School Of Wizardy and Witchcraft."

My mouth dropped to the floor.

"Headmaster?" Sarah gasped.

Harry , Ron , and Hermione were too speechless to even talk. They stared blankly into the board in shock.

Headmaster? It was already bad enough to even have Umbridge step foot into the school but now that she was headmaster? She was capable of much more now. And somebody like her? Who knows what she has in mind for us all.


Umbridge had gone crazy. She had added more and more rules every day. Kids were getting detentions out of nowhere for nothing and we weren't even able to stand next to anybody anymore! The rule was 8 inches apart.

Every painting hung up was completely gone. They were all taken down. She was ruining our school. Hogwarts wasn't the same.

Harry was blaming himself still. In his mind it was his fault for getting caught and his fault for Dumbledore's whole dilemma.

"You did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag," Ron groaned.

We stood outside. Harry was blaming himself once again over the issues happening.

"Even Dumbledore didn't see it coming," I stated.

"Harry if it's anyone's fault it's ours," Hermione sighed.

"Yeah we talked you into it," Ron agreed.

"Yeah but I agreed," Harry sighed. "I tried so hard to help , and all I did was make things worse."

We all stood in silence.

"Anyways that doesn't matter anymore." Harry said.

He looked away.

"Because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much," Harry sighed again. "And the more you care , the more you have to lose. So maybe it's just better-"

"To what?" Sarah asked calmly.

"To go alone," Harry stated.

"Psh," someone whispered.

All five of us turned around immediately.

"Hagrid," Harry smiled.

Hagrid motioned his head for us to follow him.

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