Chapter 59

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I fled to my dorm , shutting the door behind me. I decided to skip the sorting ceremony and introduction of Snape becoming headmaster.

Draco and I were to represent the dark side , specifically instructed by the Dark Lord himself. Now that people knew I was now fighting for the Dark Lord , most students in houses other than Slytherin now feared me. The Slytherins now praised me more , having more respect for my "new wizarding beliefs".

I managed to avoid Sarah the best I could. I wasn't ready to face her, not ready to tell her what happened.

I pulled off my robe , placing it gently on my bed. I took the wand out of my pocket , before walking to my desk , ready to put it away.

I placed it down , noticing a stack of letters placed on my desk. I glanced at the pile as confusion struck me. I pushed my wand to the side , now picking up the letters.

I flipped the envelopes over , curious to see who had written and why they had addressed it to my Hogwarts dorm.

I had began shuffling through the letters , glancing over at the same names that were writing to me.

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mrs. Johnson

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mrs. Johnson

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mr. Johnson

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mrs. Johnson

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mr. Johnson

For Kimberly Johnson
-Mr. & Mrs. Johnson

I threw the stack of letters onto my desk , harshly , as a slapping noise occurred at the action.


I had completely abandoned my parents , leaving them clueless of where I had run off to.

I immediately picked up the stack of letters again. I flipped through the stack quickly , examining the names who had written to me again.

"Mr. Johnson , Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Johnson," I mumbled to myself , continuing to flip through the stack of letters. "-Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, M-."

I cut myself off , realizing the repeated pattern stopped. This letter had no 'Mr. or Mrs. Johnson written on the front, rather than had no name from who it was written from at all. Instead , it addressed my name , leaving the sender anonymous.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

I flipped over the envelope, the opening of the letter now facing me and I began to tear open the letter.

Suddenly , the dorm room door swung open , causing me to place my letter down.

There stood the annoying brunette girl who pestered me my whole life here.


"Kimmie!" The girl squealed , throwing her hands in air being extra. A bright smile was glued to her face. Pansy smiling at me? "Oh how great it is to see you!"

The girl ran up to me quickly , wrapping me into a hug , catching me off guard. I stood awkwardly , debating to hug her back or not.

Before I could make a decision , she broke away from the hug , still smiling at me. "So," she started. "How was your Summer?"

I gulped , confused as of why the girl was acting so kind to me. Normally she would have ignored my presence or even made fun of me rather than ask about my Summer.

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