Chapter 12

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"Wake up!" Instantly a pillow was thrown to my face , throwing me off guard.

"What?" I groaned rubbing my eyes as I threw the pillow to the ground.

I sat up up immediately and looked around. Pansy was towering over me again.

God , could she be anymore annoying? I would have to get used to this.

"So where we're you the other day? I noticed you weren't here. You and Sarah," Pansy questioned concerned. "I never did ask."

I then knew what she was talking about.

"Sarah and I?" I asked , trying to act as surprised as possible.

"I'm not repeating myself," Pansy snapped as she stroked her hairbrush through her hair.

"Attitude much," I scoffed , getting out of bed.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Sarah and I decided to skip the other day," I made up. "Not that it's any of your business." Pansy gave me a harsh glare. "Because it isn't," I added on.

"it's February. In all the time you've been here you nor Sarah have missed a day. A single day," Pansy began. "And where were you at dinner? And how come I didn't see you in our dorm?" Pansy asked rather pushy, now bringing her full attention to me.

I gulped at how nosey Pansy had become. Why did she feel the need to get all caught up in my personal business.

"Have you always been this annoying?" I spat , throwing on my robe.

Pansy opened her mouth ready to fire back, but before she could let out another annoying so called 'comeback' of hers , I exited the room.

"So where we're you the other day?" Draco questioned as I took a seat next to Draco on one of the couches in the common room. "I forgot to ask you because of the party."

"I wouldn't ask her if I were you. She gets really defensive about it," Pansy hissed, sending me a glare.

I shot Pansy a glare back.

Pansy and Draco were still dating. I don't know why to be honest because it didn't seem like Draco was very thrilled with the idea of the two of them being together.


Later that night , Sarah and I headed over to the library to study with Harry, Ron, and Hermione like normal.

"Did anybody question why you were gone?" I asked Sarah as we approached the trio.

"No?" Sarah answered. "You?"

"Pansy," I sighed. "Like normal , getting in my business. I don't think she knows what personal space is."

Sarah let out a small laugh as we entered the table where the trio sat. Hermione and Ron were as usual bickering.

"There you two are!" Hermione smiled getting up out of her seat. "You didn't come the other day , and we haven't seen you all since break!"

"Oh," I started nervously. "Our schedule was rather busy."

"It doesn't matter," Hermione assured. "You're here now." Hermione gave us a reassuring nod before sitting back down in her chair.

"Kimberly Johnson? Hermione Granger?" Professor McGonnagal asked as she entered the library , approaching us. Our heads shot up at her call. "Yes?" Hermione questioned.

"Please come with me."

We gave each other a concerned look before getting up , following the professor out of the room.

"Where do you think she's taking us?" I mouthed to Hermione , who shrugged her shoulders in response.

We were lead to Dumbledore's office. According to Mcgonnagal, no questions were to be asked.

As we entered the room , Dumbledore gave us a condoling look before taking out his wand. Instantly I started to choke. My lungs started to swell up with water as my head became dizzy. My arms became numb and my entire body ached. The next thing I know , everything went black


Cedric tossed me out of the water. I inhaled air very dramatically. Students broke out into cheers as Cedric helped me up to the platform in front of me. I looked around quickly realizing what was happening. I was used for the second task.

"Kimmie!" Sarah panted , running over to me quickly , Draco following.

I was still clinging onto Cedric as Draco wrapped me a towel. "We can take it from here Diggory," Draco scoffed.

"Thank you , Cedric," I smiled giving Cedric another hug before he exited the dramatic scene.

There was so much commotion going on. Yelling and chanting , I couldn't hear anything clearly. My ears were so clogged and I was trying everything I could to keep myself from not passing out.

I looked up to Draco who was looking around rather worried. "Can we go?" I asked him , following up with a cough of water.

He nodded softly before helping me up.

"I'll see you later Sarah," I smiled weakly.

Draco and I entered the common room. "Do you feel okay?" Draco worried as he gave me a concerned look. I nodded as I filtered the remaining water out of my hair.

Draco took my hand as we entered the boys dormitories. I hesitated in the doorway , unsure if Draco meant for me to come in with him.

"Well?" Draco snapped. "Are you coming?" I hesitated again before following Draco over to his bed.

I didn't remember what happened next as I fell asleep on his bed due to the amount of tiredness I was feeling.

Soon later, I had heard a figure approach the room. I decided to keep my eyes closed , still too tired to open them.

"Pansy's gonna flip if she hears about this," The voice I knew belonging to Blaise laughed.

"She doesn't need to know."

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