Chapter 26

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Since last night , Draco and I hadn't spoken. The tension between us was awkward.

Blaise and I rekindled our friendship , even though nothing happened between us.

I started over to the library with Sarah who was awfully quiet. We were headed to our second daily study session of the day, but this time with Hermione, Harry , and Ron.

Once we arrived we were pulled behind a shelf by Harry aggressively. "Harry?" I hissed , swatting his arm off me.

"Sorry," he apologized. "I wanted to ask you something."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Go for it," she mumbled , under her breath.

Harry looked at her weirdly but continued. "So you know how Umbridge has-" Harry started before I cut him off quickly. "-Taken over the complete school."

Harry nodded. " Well I was going to say , banned defensive spells but that works to." I nodded at him sarcastically. "Well anyways , I've been meaning to tell you guys I started this thing , I don't know what to really call it?" He explained. "Teaching students defensive spells is basically the explanation and I was wondering if you would like to be apart of it?"

Sarah instantly jumped into the conversation.
"A secret club is what you're saying. And this is now our first time hearing about this?" She spoke , in a harsh tone.

"He really was meaning to tell you. It's nothing personal," Hermione assured , coming to Harry'a defensive.

"Well yes , of course we would like to join," I smiled , giving Sarah a confused look , unsure why she was so upset. "I'm speaking for Sarah too. I hope."

Sarah rolled her eyes at the comment as I shot her another look , this time on that wasn't so nice. "Everything okay with her?" Ron questioned , noticing the girl's behavior.

I opened my mouth , but before any words came out , Sarah interrupted me. "I'm just a little annoyed you thought of not telling us , especially after we do see you everyday in the library?"

Harry shot a confused expression to me as I shrugged my shoulders back , mouthing an "I don't know," his way.

"Then why didn't you?" Sarah hissed , continuing to over react at the situation , when there was no need to.

Harry stood silent. Nobody spoke since nobody was sure what to say. "I think i'm gonna go back to my dorm now," Sarah finally said , breaking the silence.

As Sarah walked away , I instantly ran up to her. "Sarah! Wait," I panted running up to her, attempting to catch up to where she was walking to.

As I caught up to her , she turned around to face me slowly. Something was wrong , there were tears in her eyes.

"Sarah, What's wrong?" I asked concerned. Sarah didn't hesitate to respond as she burst out into tears. "Connor broke up with me. Right after dinner," Sarah sobbed. "He said he lost feelings."

I immediately brought Sarah into a hug. I was shocked with what Sarah had told me. I had always thought him and Sarah were a great couple.

"Look," I started. "You don't need Connor. You're better than him."


I entered the Slytherin common room. It was empty expect for one student that stood inside.


He sat on the couch alone.

The moment I saw him I rushed past him , attempting to make my way up to my dorm , but I was unsuccessful as he reached for my wrist again.

"Kimmie, please," Draco begged as he got up , standing in front of me. "Draco-" I started but
before I could finish , Draco pushed his face in front of mine.

I studied his pale skin as his grey eyes looked into mine. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. We stood silent for a moment , him waiting for a response and me , trying to find the right one.

I had never heard Draco Malfoy apologize to anyone before. So this was new.

Suddenly , Draco placed his hand onto my chin. I felt his cold rings against my face. I knew was about to happen , but chose not to stop it.

Draco looked me in the eye , before he placed his lips onto mine but I backed away quickly.

"So you think after everything you've done , kissing me will just solve everything?" I snapped , realizing it wasn't a good idea to kiss the boy after all.

"No," Draco admitted.

"You could at least explain yourself," I spat , still wanting an explanation.

"You wouldn't understand," Draco mumbled as he fidgeted with his rings.

" Draco? Any explanation is better than no explanation," I told him. "And as of now , I have no explanation."

Draco looked away, taking a deep breath before going back to fidgeting with his rings. "Well you're the first person i've actually-" Draco stopped. He looked back up at me nervously.

"You're the first person i've actually liked," Draco continued in a bolder tone. "And I've never actually liked somebody before , not the way I feel with you."

"And it's funny , because I've never felt this way towards a person before," he admitted. "I've never looked at somebody the way I look at you. I don't see myself with anybody but you and it's really weird." I looked up at him. "And maybe I love you?" He blurted , instantly regretting saying that out loud.

Draco stood nervously , not sure what to say , afraid of what I had to say. I smiled at the boy , before walking up to him.

"I think I love you too."

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