Chapter 36

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As Harry , Hermione , and I lead Umbridge out into the forest it seemed like all she wanted to do was complain. It was actually getting quite annoying if you asked me.

"How much further?" Umbridge groaned.

"Not far," Hermione assured.

"Had to be somewhere students wouldn't find accidentally," I stated.

Umbridge groaned in annoyance as we continued walking throughthe forest. Bugs swarmed her and her expensive heels slugged into the muddy grass we continued to walk.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered to Hermione and I.

"Improvising?" Hermione whispered back.

We continued to walk cluelessly. The three of us had no plan whatsoever. We just went along with whatever we could make up .

Suddenly Hermione stopped. She looked down at the rope that stood in front of us. It was Grawpy's.

"Well?" Umbridge asked , continuing to point her wand up to Harry. "Where is this weapon?"

The three of us stood in silence , unable to think of a fast response.

"There isn't one , is there?" Umbridge spat.

Once again the three of us stood in silence unable to answer.

"You were trying to trick me," Umbridge continued.

"You know...I really hate children," Umbridge sighed.


Before Umbridge could open her mouth again , the four of us turned instantly to the sound of footsteps and crunching leaves.

Umbridge backed behind the four of us fearfully of what was causing the noise.

There in front of us stood a group of centaurs staring deeply at the four of us.

Umbridge immediately walked back in front of the three of us as she stood proudly holding up her wand to the group of centaurs.

"You have no business here , centaurs. This is a ministry matter," Umbridge croaked.

The group of centaurs approached us slowly. They held their weapons proudly too , pointing at us.

"Lower your weapons!" Umbridge insisted. "I warn you , under the law , as creatures of near-human intelligence-"

Umbridge was urgently cut off by the arrows that shot quickly in her direction.

"Protego!" Umbridge casted.

The arrows were immediately blocked off by Umbridge's spell.

"How dare you?" Umbridge scoffed. "Filthy half breeds!"

The centaurs groaned at Umbridge's rude statement causing them to react angrily.

"Incarcerous!" Umbridge yelled.

Umbridge's spell managed to choke one of the lead centaurs causing him to suffocate. He let out loud shrieks indicating he was in pain.

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