Chapter 39

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I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes harshly as I turned over and smacked my alarm clock so aggressive it fell to the floor.

I groaned into my pillow. I was back after months of being gone. And I was not in the mood to be back here.

I picked up my phone as I scrolled down social media. I was practically half asleep considering it was 6:30 in the morning.

I finally brought myself to get out of bed. I didn't feel the need to get dressed or even get ready for school because one , it was boring old online school and to be honest , I don't think anybody cares what I look like. And two , I just wasn't up for being productive today.

I slugged downstairs to my kitchen as I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on my kitchen table.

Both of my parents were up. My dad was flipping through a magazine while devouring a bowl of cereal while my mom struggled to get my younger siblings to eat their breakfast.

Here it was still December. It was still dreadful winter here. I had to go to school still here , online school. And worst of all , there was no Draco.

I ate my banana slowly as I scrolled through my phone. Usually after shifting I'd be happy to see my family or even be a little happy I was back. But this time? It was completely different. I hated it here. I hated being back.

I got up and tossed my banana peel in the trash as I dreadfully walked up to my room , still processing that I was back. I was tired from shifting and tired because it was early in the morning.

I walked into my room as I grabbed my MacBook. I held it in one hand as I walked over to where my desk was. I placed my computer down as I sat back in my chair.

I looked away from my desk over to my window. It was snowing. I smiled. It reminded me of the snowball fights Draco and I would have in the courtyards back in winter at Hogwarts.

I looked away from my window and back over to where my computer sat. I groaned as I opened it slowly.

I placed my face onto one of my hands as my other hand clicked my math zoom link. I hadn't done math for months.

I turned off my camera the second I had gotten into the zoom and picked up my phone as I scrolled through social media.

As I got distracted by my phone I continued to scroll further into social media. I scrolled carelessly not paying attention to a word my teacher said.

I scrolled again. This time , the familiar platinum blonde boy popped up onto my screen.


I dropped my phone immediately at the sight of Draco. Tears starting to form in my eyes. I remembered that Draco was none other than a fictional character here. He was no other than a trend. He was nothing more than a boy written from a book.

I started to cry. I didn't want to think of Draco that way. I didn't want to see him as a character from a book who was pure fiction , or some trend on social media. I couldn't bring myself to viewing him like that.

I picked up my phone which had fallen onto my floor , from when I dropped it. I looked at the video of Draco displayed on my screen but this time I didn't cry.

I smiled through my tears.

We were universes apart right now , but that didn't stop me from loving him.

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