Chapter 44

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a/n : This chapter won't post oml . i don't know if this posted or not or will post , but anyways enjoy reading


"Draco didn't show up for class again," I huffed as I threw myself onto one of the many couches in the Slytherin common room.

Draco had yet again disappeared. He was no where to be seen all of today , but I wasn't surprised. This was normal of him.

"Kimmie, I'm sure he's fine," Blaise assured me.

I huffed again.

"I'm worried about him."

"He's Malfoy. He knows what he's doing. I'm telling you he's fine," Blaise chuckled.

"I hope."

As Blaise and I exited the common room we started down to the Great Hall. I was hoping , practically praying that Draco was there. I hadn't spoken to him all day due to his disappearance and I was ready to see him.

As Blaise and I entered the Great Hall I immediately spotted the familiar face of Draco Malfoy.

Draco sat alone , his right hand was structured up onto his chin as he slouched down. He looked down miserably.

As I approached Draco , he didn't even care to look up. I assumed something was bothering him.

"Hello," I smiled to Draco. He slowly turned over to me , finally noticing I was sitting next to him , before giving me a weak smile and turning back.

I decided to let Draco be , rather than bombarded him with questions about where he was all day considering from my past experiences I hadn't gotten far questioning him.

"So, Kimmie did you hear about Slughorn's party?" Blaise asked me as he dug into his dinner.

This grabbed Draco's attention as he slowly looked up. He reached over and grabbed a different variety of food. I smiled. He was finally eating.

"Uh, yeah," I nodded. "I'm attending."

"I suppose you would be going with Draco then?"

I looked over to Draco who seemed as if he hadn't heard what Blaise had just said as he continued to pick at his salad.

"Well if that's fine with him?" I shrugged.

Draco placed his fork down as he looked back at us.

"I can't," he sighed. "I have , um , plans."

Inside I wanted to ask him what was getting in the way from attending Slughorn's party with me. I wanted to ask him what plans he had in mind , or if they were the same plans that had been occupying him so much he skipped class too frequently , but instead I just kept silent.

"Well then maybe , I suppose I could go with you?" I suggested to Blaise. "That is unless you've already asked somebody."

Blaise smiled.

"No , actually. I haven't asked anybody yet. So I guess this actually works out perfect."

As I bit into a spoonful of potato's I rested my head onto Draco's shoulder. He flinched at my touch.

"Are you sure everything's fine?" I whispered to him , hoping he would give me a truthful answer this time. "And Draco , don't say fine if you aren't fine."

Draco paused. He placed his fork and knife down as he let out a small sigh. He then proceeded to look down at me , into my eyes.

"I-" Draco started.

Pansy immediately interrupted my private conversation with Draco , which did not involve her at all , let alone had nothing to even do with her, causing Draco to get cut off with whatever pathetic thing Pansy thought was more important than what Draco was about to say.

"Look! We get it okay? You two are in love but I'd really appreciate it if the two of you could quit being all compassionate and lovey dovey with each other and just let me finish my dinner without having to look up at the sight of you two!" Pansy sneered.

I scoffed.

I had a good feeling Draco was about to open up to me before Pansy had to go ahead and ruin everything.

"Well someone's jealous," Blaise smirked at Pansy , softly nudging her with his elbow grabbing the attention of the small group of kids that were sitting the four of us.

"Shut it Zabini!"

Pansy then proceeded to slouch down as she stabbed her fork into her steak aggressively from the embarrassment Blaise had just caused her.

In my mind , Pansy deserved that. She deserved to receive attention over embarrassment.

I couldn't help but laugh at Blaise's funny remark to Pansy and I guess I wasn't the only one who had found Pansy's small humiliation funny, since I could've sworn I saw Draco crack the smallest smile. And that was all I needed. To see Draco finally smile , letting me know that somewhere through all this sadness taking over him , that there was still happiness in him. Even if the smallest amount was left , I would help him find it again.

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