chapter 6

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I walked out of the common room , not looking back. Tears were already swelling up in my eyes. The only thing I wanted was for Draco to ask me , but that couldn't even happen.

I waited outside of the common room where Sarah was all ready standing. She then noticed the tears in my eyes.

"Kimmie what happened?" Sarah asked worried. I wiped my tears away and smiled as if nothing had happened.

"What?" I asked Sarah as if she hadn't just seen me crying. "Nothing."

"Obviously somethings wrong," Sarah protested. "I mean look at you! You're crying!"

"Draco asked Pansy to the Yule Ball," I sighed. "He was the only person I wanted to go with and he asked her, Pansy. Out of all people Pansy," I continued , babbling about the situation.

"If he didn't ask you , then that's his fault," Sarah assured. "His loss." Sarah grinned at me as I let out a small laugh.

What was really cool , was Sarah and I were friends in two different universes. Not every pair of best friends could say that.

"Where's the others?" I asked Sarah nothing Sarah was the only one with me today.

"They're not coming today," she answered as we started off. "They had this other study thing. They asked me to come but I didn't want to. I figured you would just say the same.

"I guess it'll just be the two of us today then," I smiled.

Sarah and I sat under a big tree. We watched as Harry came out. Students broke into whispers at the sight of him.

Ever since he had been elected to compete in the tri-wizard tournament , people had been giving him a hard time. I didn't understand why. It was obvious Harry hadn't willingly put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

"Why so tense Potter?" I overheard Draco tease as Harry continued walking.

Draco was sitting in a tree , watching Harry below. "My father and I have a bet you see" the blonde boy continued as Harry ignored Draco.

Was Draco seriously being this childish? "I don't think you'll last ten minutes in this tournament," Draco added while jumping down from the tree. "He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five."

Goyle and Crabbe followed behind him as they out loud snickers. Draco approached Harry as Harry glared at him angrily.

"Well I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" Harry hissed pushing Draco. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic."
Harry started away which I could tell angered Draco. "

Pathetic?" Draco mumbled while grabbing for his wand. Draco shot his wand out but before he could actually use it , Moody shot a spell to Draco and the next thing I knew , he was a ferret.

I instantly ran over to Draco. "Draco!" I cried.

Draco was a ferret now. He was squeaking loudly as he ran around in the grass. Professor Moody grabbed his wand and proceeded to start tossing Draco up and down.

"Stop!" I begged "You can't do that! He's a student!" Professor Moody ignored my cries and continued to toss Draco around.

"Professor Moody!" Professor McGonnagal yelled as she stormed to the scene.

Thank god she came. "What- what are you doing?" She stuttered unable to make out what exactly was happening. "Teaching," Professor Moddy scoffed coldly.

"Professor that's a student!" I informed her. "Is that- is that a student?" Professor Mogonagal confirmed with Moody worriedly. "Technically it's a ferret," Professor Moody snapped still tossing Draco around. "Stop! Please," I begged again.

Professor Moody dropped Draco down Crabbe's pants while Goyle started freaking out. I looked over to see Cedric laughing , as well as Harry.

"Do something!" I yelled to Professor Mcgonnagal. She nodded and instantly took out her wand. And with that, Draco turned back to , well Draco.

Draco scrambled up. "My father will hear about this!" Draco screamed coldly. "Is that a threat?" Moody spat. "IS THAT A THREAT?"

Moody screamed at Draco while chasing him around the tree that Draco had previously been sitting in. "Stop!" I warned.

"Professor Moody! Professor Moody! Professor!" Professor Mogonagal yelled , getting Moody's attention. Moody stoped chasing him as Draco ran away. He continued to babble harsh words to him.

"Alister, Alister," Professor Mcgonnagal spoke calmly. "We never use transfiguration as a punishment!" Her voice spoke getting louder. "Surely Dumbledor told you that!"

"Might have mentioned it," Professor Moody mumbled.

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