Chapter 63

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I sat up in bed , the moonlight shinning through my window as Pansy snored softly across the room.

It sounded weird, but the snoring coming from Pansy gave me old memories from years ago.

It reminded me of those times I sat awake in bed at night , still processing that I actually shifted.

But now I sat awake , processing if it really was a good thing that I shifted.

I shook my head.

Of course it was a good thing I shifted. If it wasn't for Sarah and I shifting, I wouldn't know where in my life would be. I wouldn't have ever met Draco , and no matter how hard times were now, I would never trade anything for him.

I glanced around my room remembering the excitement I had first had when I saw my dorm for the first time. It just felt like the other day I had shifted here for the first time.

I sat back loudly , compressing a long sigh. I stared at the ceiling , wondering what was happening in my current reality.

Then I sat up.

I never thought of my current reality. I hated it. I didn't miss it. I would never miss it.

I shook my head. What was up with me?

I sat back again as I stared at the ceiling. But then I couldn't help wonder, what really was going on in my current reality?

Then I sat up again.

Why am I worrying about the place I had pure hatred for , for the longest time. The place I had shifted my way away from.

I scratched the back of my head. 'Just go to sleep and you'll be normal in the morning,' I told myself.


Making my way to the Great Hall , I couldn't help but remember the thoughts I had last night. I instantly shook my head not wanting to deal with it.

I hesitated outside the entrance of the Great Hall, taking a deep breath before finally entering.

Chatter amongst the students filled the room as they ate next to their friends , trying to cover up the fact of how worried they all were.

Many parents had decided to pull their children out of school due to how dangerous it had gotten , so many kids from the previous years had not shown up this year.

I glanced around the practically empty hall. The room I had once shared the best memories with the people I had loved most was now empty. It wasn't empty with lack of people, although at the same time it was, but it was empty with lack of emotion. The only thing left was the old memories that were set in its place to fill it.

I looked around the room , attempting to catch Draco but sighed at the fact I couldn't find him. I rolled my eyes.

I was fed up. Fed up with everything. But I pushed it aside , and approached the Slytherin table where Pansy sat with her friends.

I flashed Pansy a smile as I approached her slowly.

Sitting down next to her , she narrowed her eyes at me. "Can I help you?" She asked , confused as of why I chose to sit with her of all people.

I looked up at her. This isn't going to work. This was pathetic. Where was Draco?

I ignored Pansy's question , as her eyes were still glued to mine. Looking around the room in need of the platinum blonde to walk in , instead I saw Sarah walk in, looking more glum then ever.

"Sorry," I mumbled , looking over to Pansy who was now paying no attention to me rather than focusing on her food and her other friends who sat around her. "Although you don't care, I need to go."

I immediately took off to catch up to Sarah , who was strutting over to the Hufflepuff table unamused.

Catching up to her, I grabbed her wrist , causing her to turn around. I then noticed the glum look on her face again.

"What's with the face?" I pointed out , confused why Sarah was acting so depressed. "You're acting sadder."

Without hesitation, Sarah sighed loudly. "I can't do this anymore!" She yelled loudly , causing students to turn their heads towards Sarah and I. Sarah shot them a rude glance, eyeing them all to mind their own business. "I can't do this anymore," she repeated, this time more quite then before.

I narrowed my eyebrows at her. "Do what?" I asked , not sure what she was talking about. "You can't do what? Did something happen?"

Sarah sighed. "I can't do this anymore. I am so tired of everything here. I'm sick of this all. I just want to go home," she said quickly but still passionate enough to let me understand her feelings.

"Go home?" I questioned , completely understanding what she meant but not wanting to show her I was.

Although I was feeling less appreciative of shifting here , I wasn't to the point where I wanted to leave. But apparently the same thing wasn't for Sarah.

I had a life here. I had people that cared about me here. I had Draco.

Just because things were harder or things were different and not as perfect as Sarah and I had suspected us both to think, there was no way in her right mind she had made the choice of leaving this world.

"Sarah, don't tell me you're planning on leaving?" I said sternly , looking her in the eye. "Not after everything."

She looked to the floor , placing her hand on the back of her neck. "Just because things are different now, doesn't mean we can't get through this." I pointed my finger at her. "You can't just say, "if things aren't the way I wanted them to go then I'll just leave." You can't do that."

Sarah instantly snapped her head up at me. "Yes I can," she spat. "This isn't my life. This is like my second life that I can leave whenever I want." She glared at me harshly. "This life was supposed to be my escape. It was supposed to be your escape! It was our escape! It was supposed to get me as far away from my current reality and I never told you this, but things got better. And the only reason I've stayed here is for you. And don't say I want to leave because I don't. I love it here , but it's time to move on."

She pointed her finger at me this time , causing me to jump slightly. "You can't tell me if I can't or can leave. Everything is going wrong and you know that , and you and I have the power to leave unlike everybody else and you should take that as an opportunity."

Instantly anger began to fill my face. "An opportunity?" I laughed sarcastically. "You think I should take this , as an opportunity to leave the only thing that keeps me going?" I pointed my finger at her again , poking it to her chest hardly. "You don't just get to leave when things don't go your way. Nothing will ever go your way. And that's life. No matter if this is supposed to be our picture perfect reality , that doesn't mean anything. When things go wrong you fight past them until things get better. You don't just get up and leave?" I shot her a harsh look. "This reality is my escape and it still is and always will be my escape. I don't care if things aren't going right. I don't care if things aren't going picture perfect. I have put up with everything and I'll continue to fight past this until things get better."

I brought my finger down , my face still filled my rage , visible by my facial expressions.

The next words that then came out of Sarah's mouth then hurt. It felt like my heart broke into a million pieces and then were stomped on all over.

"You can't stay here forever," she mumbled quietly. "And you and I both know that there's going to be a day where we leave. And that day for me has come."

I didn't dare to look up at her , realizing there was no chance of me to convince her to stay , no matter how hard I begged.

"Stay for now if you want. I don't care," she scoffed, her tone cold. "You'll eventually have to leave."

I looked up at her, tears falling from my eyes. "I'm leaving tonight," she spoke softly. "Come with me or not, I'm leaving and you know where to find me."

With that, she pushed past me leaving me standing alone with tears falling from my face.

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