Chapter 46

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Slughorn's party last night had still caught me off guard. Draco hadn't attended class today , as usual which had lost the chance for me to ask him about last night.

I approached the Slytherin table. Pansy was babbling on about something to Blaise while Draco sulked quietly.

I took a seat next to Draco , ready to ask him about last night , but before I could even open my mouth Draco aggressively grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the Great Hall quickly.

"Draco? What are you doing?" I questioned.

Draco turned around , releasing his hand from my wrist. He looked down at me sympathetically with what looked almost like a scared look on his face.

"I- I need to tell you something," Draco stuttered. "But not here." Draco turned around quickly. He started away motioning me to follow him.

Draco walked quickly , like he was in a rush. His pace was fast causing me to practically speed walk in order to keep up with him.

I had the urge to ask him so many questions. Where was he taking me? What did he need to tell me? Was it important? But I didn't dare to ask any.

I followed Draco outside. We soon approached the familiar spot of where Draco and I used to sneak out to. Our spot.

"Well?" I sighed. "What is it that you need to tell me?"

Draco looked at me before quickly looking away.

"Can I ask you something?" Draco mumbled.

I walked over to where Draco sat. He was fidgeting with a piece of grass. I took a seat next to him. I sat back admiring the stars above us.


"Do you love me?"

I instantly looked over at him.

"Draco? What kind of question is that?" I exclaimed. "Of course I do!"

Draco sat back next to me.

"Can you promise me something then?" Draco asked in a quiet tone.

I looked at him in confusion.

"If you loved me then promise me you'll never leave me."

I took my eyes off Draco. I turned the attention to the stars that twinkled above us.

"Draco," I started. "I'll never leave you."

Draco looked up at the stars with me.

"When I met you , flowers started to grow in the darkest places."

And that was true. Ever since I shifted here , flowers did start to grow in the darkest places.

"Can I tell you something?" Draco said sitting up.

"Go for it," I shrugged.

Draco stood up , reaching his hand down to help me up too.

"Promise me, promise me you won't leave me after I tell you," Draco stuttered.

"Draco I'm not going to leave you."

Draco hesitated for a moment before proceeding to roll up the sleeves of his black suit. There stood the dark mark , engraved into his skin. Forever.

My mouth dropped open.

"No , no. It can't be," I gasped. "You're a-"

"Death eater," Draco admitted looking ashamed of himself. "Please don't leave me. You promised you wouldn't."

Tears started to swell up in Draco's eyes. His voice started to crack. I instantly threw my arms around him.

"Draco I would never , ever leave you," I mumbled into his chest.

Draco started to sob into my hair.

"You're going to be alright."

"I would've told you sooner but I thought you would leave me," Draco cried , his voice cracking.

"Draco? I'm always going to be here for you! Don't ever think that!"

But the truth was , was that true? Would I be here for him? What if one day I wasn't? Was I lying to him? Was I lying to myself?

No , don't think that way. Don't think about the "what if's," or the endless possibilities. All we have is now. And right now I was here with Draco , which was what mattered most.

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